Chapter 10- Run for your life

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*I'm sorry that I didn't uploaded these days . But now the new chapter is here .

It was my fault. They were arguing because of me . Is enough... I'm gonna do something, I have to get out of here and stay away from them .

Louis POV

I can't believe Harry did this to me . Like , we are a couple, I trusted him , and what he did ? He betrayed me . I run to our bedroom closing the door behind me with a strong smash. I heard him running behind me , calling my name, but I didn't answer.

"Louis , please open the door and let me explain, please" Harry begged me but I didn't move one muscle. He deserve this . None can fucking play with my feelings.

"Come on Louis , stop acting like a child and open the door . Let me talk " Harry continued to beg at the door

"You have nothing to explain. I already saw how you look at her . I know you feel something for her . Don't try to deny" I said full of anger.

"Louis , are you crazy? I will never fall in love with her . I already love you and you know well " Harry said in a soft voice

" Know what ? That you kissed her ? Is not fair Harry . " I said

" I know Lou , just please open the door . Please and we can talk " Harry begged keep hitting the door

" I know what you mean with "talk" , we can't fix everything with sex Harry . That was too much . I love you and I can't stay here watching how she steals you from me . " I yelled at him

" She's young and naive Lou . It was a mistake."

" A mistake? Really ? How can you say is just mistake? " I yelled at him

" Damn Lou, I thought you're more mature . It was a fucking kiss . We didn't fuck . Fuuck " Harry yelled at me hitting the door with his foot

I decided to open the door . When Harry became angry is hard to control him . He was already enough angry . Of course we fought more but ended in bed . Like always .

Harry's POV

I know well that what happened wasn't fair for Louis and he knows well how much I love him . Ending a fight in bed is the best fight . Having him in my arms after all of this is the best feeling.

" You know I'm sorry and I love you " I said stroking his hair .

" yeah ... But please, don't do this again " Louis begged me

" I won't love " I said kissing his forehead

Angel POV

I took some clothes and I run from the house. What happened it was wrong . I was outside running how much my feet could take . It was pretty cold and the breeze rise goosebumps on my skin . I got in a forest and it was pretty dark outside. I ran in hope that I will get to a road or something . But all I could see was trees , just trees. I stopped for a few seconds to see if it was someone behind me .

I kept running and running until my lungs stopped me and I fell because of a branch. I fell with my hand in something sharply . Now I've got some bruises on my knees and a big cut on my hand .

"Fuck , it's hurts" I said to myself . I tried to stop the bleeding with my scarf.

Weird noises from behind me scared the fuck out of me . Like some animals or something. Why I should run right now ?

I kept walking through the forest but nothing. No road, no house , just me and the night sky . The weird noises stopped but something tells me not for to much time .

I could be in my bed now , reading a book with Harry beside me making shitty comments about miss Elizabeth, the woman that was always like a queen and ... My thoughts were stopped...I staid still afraid to turn around. I hide behind a tree .

The same weird noises started again . That sounds like a wolf . Oh god, I'm gonna die . I was freakin out and crying. What I should do ? Run ? A wolf will definitely run faster than me . What if is not a wolf ? Maybe is just a squirrel. I turned around slowly to see what is there . Dark , just dark .

A breathe of relief . I sat on the ground crying like a stupid girl when a big smash made me lose my conscience.

Harry POV

Louis was already sleeping and the though that I let my little angel in the art room crying made me get out of the bed and try to talk with her . I bet she wasn't mad , but she was definitely crying .

I knocked at her door .

"Angel ? Can we please talk for a moment? " I asked but none answers. I knocked again but still nothing. How mad can she be .

" Come on angel . I know you can't stay mad at me too much. Open the door " still nothing.

" I gonna open the door. " I said , maybe she was naked or god now. It wasn't nice just to enter like that in her room.

I opened the door . I looked around . There were clothes everywhere.

"Angel ? " I called loud her name .

Where the fuck is she ?

I ran downstairs looking in every room , on the terrace, in the library. Everywhere.

God , she is outside. She ran . Oh god .

I ran up stairs to wake up Louis

" Lou , wake up . I can't find her . Come on .. Wake up" I said shaking him .

" we can look in the morning. Let me sleep . " he said sleepy.

" No Lou . Angel despaired. "

" What !? Did you look in her room ? " Lou asked afraid

" Yes , I looked everywhere. I think she's outside. If we lost her she's gonna die Louis . It was our responsibility, her soul was in our hands , and we just lost it" I said crying

" Ok , she couldn't get to far . Let's go after her"

We both get outside looking in every direction. She could ran to west or south, or in any direction .

"How we are gonna find her ?" I screamed at Louis

" I don't know" Louis said guilty

We ran to the forest.

Angel POV

I was to afraid to move . I was still hearing noises around me . I tried to stop my crying and gasps with my hand . When I thought that I'm gonna die I heard someone calling me .

I couldn't move . If I move that thing will kill me . I couldn't see what it was but it was frightening. And it wasn't just one . I bet it was more than one there . Around me . I opened slowly my eyes to see in front of me a big creature . It was tall , black and it was looking at me . In a split second I screamed how hard I could Harry name .

I heard so much noises around me . Harry and Louis voices screaming in the distance , foot steps around me . I get up decided to run . I couldn't run too fast . I was cold and the pain from my hand was too much to take . I ran and run in the dark keep screaming Harry name and crying .

I couldn't see too much . The dark and my tears made the run through the forest so hard . I fell and I looked behind. That thing is following me .

I get up quickly trying to run faster . I felt how I was ready to faint. My panic attacks don't help me . In my crazy run I hit something hard and I fell on the ground.

* Thanks for reading. I will try to put the next chapter as soon as possible. All the love*

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