Chapter 25 - Long way to go

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I stood there like I wasn't able to move . At one moment Harry's whispers stopped. I lifted my eyes at him and he wasn't sleeping . He was playing with his engagement ring. Louis was still sleeping peaceful near the fireplace, hugging tight one of the pillows along with the empty bottle of champagne.

"You're ok?" I asked quietly

"Hmm ? Yeah .. Just thinking, well I try to think . The alcohol have another plan" he said , a soft laugh leaving his pink lips.

I just nodded. This was definitely the silence before the storm . I just couldn't spoil this good and peaceful moment of warm and safety with my weird feeling that he's coming for us , that he's not far away from here.

"Stop thinking" Harry whispered like he read my thoughts.

"I wasn't.." I lied

"You're so bad at lying" he said crawling beside me , putting his head in my lap .

"Yeah .. You're afraid?" I dared to ask. I thought he will scream and shout at me

"Afraid of that bitch ?" He asked smiling

"Yeah" I whispered

"No .. We can make it, know" he said scrunching his nose. Is the effect of the alcohol probably, I can say it ..I can see it in his eyes and his low , calm voice.

He was slowly falling asleep in my arms . Sometimes, I think that not just I find safety in his arms , he found it too in mines .

He hugged me tight letting out a slow , relief breathe then I felt his arm slowly falling on the floor .

I was the only one who wasn't able to sleep, my thoughts running wild .

If I die ? If Harry or Louis die ? If they both die ? What I'm gonna do ? How I will survive without them ?

I shake my head , feeling a few tears rolling down on my cheeks. Before I could stop them, my tears touched Harry's face .

He immediately opened his eyes , rising his body ,leaning in one hand.

"Baby , why you're crying?" He asked rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I just couldn't hold back my tears and I pushed my body against his , crying louder than I thought.

"Shhh, it's ok baby . We are here , together. We love you and we'll try our best so things will stay like this . Ok ?" He tried to comfort me.

I heard Louis moaning, so I stopped from crying and he went back to sleep.

"Alcohol is not really his thing" Harry said smiling looking at his husband.

"Sorry I woke you up" I whispered embarrassed

"I wasn't really sleeping" he said maybe trying to make me feel better. I conscious about our situation, that we barely sleep or eat. That Harry spend his time trying to find a way to win our battle, that Louis is always sad and quite, just Gods knows what's in his soul . And I ? I'm just .. Unable to imagine what will happen next...

"I was writing a song lately" Harry finally spoke , expelling my thoughts, breaking the weird silence.

"Really?" I didn't expected this , but I can say that music is his way to escape from everything.

"Yeah . I finished it a few days ago but I didn't have the chance to show it to you" he said smiling, pushing back his long curls that covered his face.

"Maybe you can show it to me now ?" I asked and his face became a full joy immediately

"Really? I mean, are you sure you're in the mood ?" He asked , little crinkles in his eyes

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