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OFFICIAL SONG FOR THE BOOK: Faith by Stevie wonder ft. Ariana grande

He's not your prince charming if he doesn't make sure you know that you're his princess.


"Chris, pass the ball here !" my little brother Cedric yelled from across our big lawn.

"Alright," I said before kicking the ball. Cedric was about to the kick the ball back but stopped abruptly.

I turned around to see a black limo pull up in our neighborhood with tinted windows. A man and a woman stepped out, the man looked kind of familiar......

"James !" my mother screamed before walking or rather running towards the man and giving him a big hug almost making him fall. I swear to God my mother acts like a teenager at times.
My dad went and greeted the couple too after a little conversation among themselves they called Cedric and me to meet them.

"Chris, Cedric you remember James right, he's fa - " but mom was cut off by the roar of an engine. The lady slapped her forehead and muttered, "I told them not to race."

Two cars, wait let me rephrase that two Lamborghini sports, the latest models, one blue and one white zoomed past us. Then the white one doing a drift parked the car right in the correct spot while the blue car parked normally. I stood there with my mouth hung agape.

A guy got out of the blue car. He was tall and well built, had blonde hair and looked a lot like the lady.

"You cheated ! he exclaimed.

A girl hopped out of the white car. She was hot, was the understatement of the century. She was wearing blue denim ripped shorts with a white crop top showing a belly button piercing. She was wearing a black leather jacket too but the most beautiful part about her was her hair, long ginger waves which fell till her waist. Gorgeous was the word for her. As she neared towards us I got lost in her green eyes.

"You always say that Alex " she replied rolling those beautiful eyes.

"But you always cheat !" The guy whose name was Alex replied.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" she muttered.

"I told both of you not to race !" the lady whose name I still didn't know replied.

"Sorry Beth" the hot girl apologized giving Beth a hug.

Mom and Dad introduced me to the couple, James, and Beth. They had gotten married a year ago, both of them losing their husband and wife. Beth had a son named Alex and James a daughter. James looked really familiar.

As the girl came near me I put on my smirk and extended my hand.

"Hey gorgeous, What's your name ?" She looked at me, but instead of drooling like the other girls she passed me a look of pure disgust.

What the hell ?!

"Hey," she said turning to Cedric and ignoring me.

"Are you a lesbian ?" Cedric blurted out.

The Alex guy burst out laughing, I didn't even realize that the elders had gone inside.

"Why would you think that ?" she asked trying to control her laughter herself.

"Well for starters you're talking to me and second you are not drooling over my brother"

"Cedric, believe me when I say this, I have NO Interest In Your Brother"

"How do you know my name?" Cedric asked suspiciously.

"You know, it's a crime to forget your favorite person in the world."

"Faith ?" he asked with wide eyes.

"The one and only" She replied with an all too familiar smirk.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now