Chapter 13

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" We should love, not fall in love because everything that falls, breaks."


The next day in school Vanessa was shocked when I told her about Macy but adapted pretty quickly. She even started laughing when I told her about today Morning.

Macy woke up the earliest in the house so she decided to make waffles as a thank you present but she ended up burning all of it. Damon had to rush in with a fire extinguisher. It was hilarious. By the end of it Cory cooked. Macy couldn't cook to save her life.

Macy apologized for the dress too. As soon as Vanessa met Macy they instantly clicked Macy had an excellent fashion sense and Vanessa wanted to be a fashion designer.

It was lunch and we were sitting at our usual table when Macy entered the cafeteria. She was dressed in ripped jeans and a white tank top and she was wearing converse as well. It was the total opposite of what she usually wore.

She scanned the cafeteria for a seat. Her eyes lingered at the cheerleader table for a second but she made her way to our table. She smiled as she sat down. Rumours and whispers instantly started in the cafeteria. Phones were out, messages were sent.

"Ignore them" I whispered squeezing her hand.

She nodded meekily.

"You know what we can do today, we can go shopping! "Cory said in excitement.
"Oh oh and we can go right now and ditch the rest of the school day !" Vanessa added.

That surely lifted Macy's mood. The girls started talking about what all shops we were going to go to.

I clutched Chris's arm and sank low in my seat.

"Kill me now" I muttered closing my eyes. Chris burst out laughing.


"My hand hurt !" I announced for the millionth time.

"Oh stop being such a Debbie Downer. We've only been to two shops till now." Vanessa said.

"Two shops we raided" I muttered.

It was true. We had been to Aeropostale and Victoria's Secret till now and I already had 4 bags filled to the top with clothes and lingerie.

"Let's go to H 'n' M" Macy suggested.

"Yes !" Cory yelled before running off to H. 'n' M I groaned before following the three.

After going to H 'n' m, Forever, 21, Rue 21, Gap, Guess, Abercrombie 'n'Fitch, Nike, Some Jewellery and shoe shops I finally exclaimed.

"That's it I can't hold any more bags!"

The girls seemed to think over it but finally agreed. A little light bulb went up in Cory's head, you know the animated kind before she told us to sit on a nearby bench. She called someone before sitting beside us.

"Who did you call ?" I asked curiously.

10 minutes later Alex and Chris came. When they saw all the bags their eyes widened. Alex took out his phone and called someone.

"Boy's I need back-up."

2 minutes later, Damon, Sam, and Cameron came strolling in but they too stopped in their track with wide eyes when the saw the bags.

"Not to be rude or anything but what are you guy's doing here, "Vanessa asked as politely she could.

"We all were going to Damon's place when Cory called saying that she needed us to take some bags. We didn't know that there were a tsunami of them"

Cameron explained but muttered the last part to himself, loud enough for all of us to hear.

The boys managed to put all the bags in the car but didn't leave like we expected them to. Everyone was really hungry so we decided to eat at chipotle. 
In the middle, my dad called up informing me that they would be back in the next four days. Once everyone had got their food we sat at a booth at the back.

"Fay-Fay did you get me something ?" Alex asked me with a puppy dog face.

"Remember that limited edition Vans you couldn't find ?" I said with a smile.

"Tell me you did! Tell me you got them ! "he asked jumping up and down.

"I got them"

"Yes !" Alex yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

I smiled at his drama. Sometimes he acted like a kid.

"Best sis ever !" he announced before attacking me with a hug.

"Alex. get off. Can't breathe. I tried to say but they must have sounded like gibberish.

Everyone laughed on the table except Chris. What crawled up his ass and died?

We left the mall around five in the evening. Alex decided to spend the night at Damon's place so It was just Chris and me, oh and Cedric.

"Look's like it's just your and me for the night" Chris said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up" I replied rolling my eyes.

Chris helped my carry my bags to the house. I could hear a lot of commotion as we went nearer to the house.

"What the—"but Chris never got to finish the sentence as Cedric opened the door with a panicked look.

"Faith I promise I meant to tell you but somehow it slipped my mind."

"What are you trying to say say, Cedric ?"

I asked entering the house. Somewhere in the distance, I heard glass break.

"It's a holiday tomorrow in elementary school for some reason so I thought it would be fun to have a sleepover with some friends— "

"You what ?!" I practically yelled.

Cedric continued his little rant.

"So I invited my friends over but word kind of got out so more people showed up. But isn't the more the merrier !" he finished with a nervous chuckle.

"How many?" I asked.

"How many what ?" Cedric asked confused.

"How many people Cedric?"

"Un......16.  All boys" he replied sheepishly.

"You're telling me that  I have 16, 13 to 14-year-old boys running around in my house. And that I'm the only girl ?!"

"Yes, ." he answered nervously. 

I'm so bloody screwed.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now