Chapter 2

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Gravitation can't be held responsible for people falling in love .



It had been a week since Faith had moved back. And this entire week she had avoided me like the bloody plague. Every time I tried to talk to her either she would run away or ignore me.

We had been friends once right. So what was the big deal. But no, faith had a total different view on this. I thought everything was going to be like this untill our parents called us to her place.

Faith, Alex, Cedric and I sat opposite to Beth - Faith's step mom, James her dad, my mom-Alice and George my dad. You get the idea.

"So why are we here ?" Faith asked.

"Well we have something to tell you Beth said anxiously.

"Thanks for stating the obvious Mum" Alex replied.

Alex and I were on neutral grounds.

"As your Mum said Alex, We have something to tell you."

"Your parents and us are going on a holiday to catch up" Mum said bouncing up and down.

"You mean with us right ? Cedric asked.

I felt bad for the kid at times.

"No Cedric, without you kids that's why we called you. All of you will be living together for the time being ." dad said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I finally asked.

" This strip is a month long. You and Cedric will be living with Faith and Alex for the time being. Caleb will be coming in the middle with April to visit you.

We all stared at each other, till Faith broke the silence. She got up from her seat and looked her dad straight in the eye.

"How could you?!" saying this she ran away to her room.

Everyone was silent before Alex said getting up .

"I'll go check on her"

"Chris and Cedric, I advice you to go and pack" Dad finally said.

"Okayy....." I said before dragging Cedric along.

"What was the about ?" he asked once we were outside the house.

"No idea"


How could he do this to me? ! Doesn't he remember what happened the last time. I refuse to stay in a room with Chris Woods and he's taking about the same house. That to for a whole bloody month.

Do note the sarcasm .

"Faith, you got to calm down." Alex said trying to calm me.

"How do you expect me to calm down. You know what happened the last time."

Currently Alex was sitting on my bed. I was pacing around my room.

"People change Faith. You did. You just have to give him a chance.

"Ha ! As if. Chris Woods has made his life's goal to annoy me. How do you expect me to give him a chance when I want to rip his head off half the time."

Alex started rubbing is temples "Look all I'm asking of you is that you think about it. How about I take you for ice-cream right now calm that head of yours."

Ice-cream.  My one weakness.

"Fine" I said finally giving in.

Within half an hour I was ready to go. But when I went downstairs. I got the shock of my life. Chris, Cameron and Sam were sprawled on my sofa eating MY NACHOS!

"Excuse me, May I ask, What the hell is happening here? I almost screamed catching their attention.

"On hey Faith ! Didn't see you there " Sam said.

"No shit sherlock Um no offence but what are you doing in my house eating my Nachos?

"Apparently it's my house too now. Atleast for a month" Chris said with his devious smrik. I just wanted to slap it off his face.

"Faith are you ready. We're getting late !" I heard Alex scream from the kitchen.

"Where are you going ?" Cameron asked.


"On Please.............can I come !? Please ! Please ! Please !"

"Fine ! Fine ! Just shut up will you. You're giving me a headache."

So that's how ladies and gentlemen  I had three teenage boys trailing behind me to the ice-cream parlour. Alex and I decided to walk since the shop wasn't that far. But halfway through I changed my mind.

"Are we there yet ?" Sam asked from behind.

"No" I heard Alex mutter.

"Alex......I'm tired" I groaned. We locked eyes for a whole minute, before he gave in.


I happily climbed an Alex's back for a piggy back ride.

"Chris will you give me a piggy back ride ? Cameran asked in the most horrible girly voice I had ever heard.

"No you shithead" he muttered.

After walking for another ten minutes we finally reached the ice-cream parlour. Bells jingled when we opened the door. I saw a girl about our age standing their in an apron.

"Hey ! How can I help you". She asked in an all too cheerful voice.

"Hey gorgeos ! What's your name" Chris asked.

This line gave me a feeling of deja-vu. Disgusted I got up and went


I don't known what was Faith's problem. She always gave me looks like as if I killed her cat.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she announced before vanishing. I turned back my attention to the leggy blonde who told me her name was Amy.

"What your name ?" she asked me with a very weird look.

"If both of you are done with your little chatting session,  can we order?" Sam  asked annoyed.

"Sure" Amy muttered going all red.

"I'll have two scoops of mint ice-cream" Cameron said.

"I'll have one scoop of chocolate with wafers" Sam said.

"I'll just have a scoop of vanilla with chocolate syrup" Alex said.

"Hey what will Faith have ? Sam asked.

"A scoop of vanilla ice-cream with a brownie without nuts , she's a allergic to them" Alex and I said at the same time.

"Okayy....." Cameron said.

At the same time Faith came back. All of us just stared at her.

"What ?" she snapped.

"Nothing" we said all too quickly.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now