Chapter 6

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I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way, the sound of her name could silence my demons


As the thunderstorm grew louder, images flooded my mind. Scene after scene flashed before my eyes, each one stabbing my heart over and over again.


"Chris! Please be careful" I screamed at the 6-year old who had climbed on the tree in our garden. The ladder he'd used before was newly broken.

"Just a second Faith, I've almost reached the kite" he yelled back inching towards the kite stuck on the branch.

But before he could reach it, the branch snapped and he came tumbling down.

"Chris !"

He was moaning in pain. His hand was twisted in an angle I did not want to see.

"Faith....." he said.

"Hold on, let me get Mummy !" I yelled again before running towards the house.

Five minutes later Mum had taken Chris in her arms and we were running to the hospital.

After two hours I was allowed to go and see Chris. He was lying in the hospital bed with his arm in a plaster. It instantly brought tears to my eyes.

As if feeling my sadness, he opened his eyes.

"Hey, Don't cry. I'm perfectly time."

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't got the kite stuck up that tree them none of.."
"Don't ever say it's your fault if you would wave not been there then my hand could—"
But I didn't let him finish I just threw my hands around him and the scene changed.

My nine-year-old self stood in front of me. My hair was in a braid which my mother wad made for me that morning.

"Hey, pig !" A boy in my grade screamed before pulling my hair .

He pulled it with so much of force that my head jerked and hit the locker. But before he could do something else, I heard a voice speak in a very threatening manner.
"Leave her alone," the voice said in a deadly tone.

"OK, what ?"

Chris punched the boy's nose and it started be bleed heavily.

"Ok, this" he answered before turning to me. His eyes softened before the image changed again.

My father had just told me that my mother had passed away. I was just eleven, how did he expect for me to live without her from such a young age!

I needed my best friend. I needed someone to pull me out of this darkness. I needed someone to help me find myself. I needed my best friend. I needed Chris.

But, When I needed him the most he turned his back on me. I waited for him to valise his mistake, to come back to me but he never did.
Images after Images came and went. From my best moments to my worst. I saw my best friends turn into a totally different person.  A person I did not like. A person who would bully and make fun of people. A person who would stroll late in class, a person who turned into a monster.

My heart shattered into pieces after pieces. The last image. I saw was of girl standing on a window sill. A person who took a deep breath and was ready to jump. A person who was ready to take her own life. And after taking a deep breath she jumped.


The sun was shining brightly after that horrible thunderstorm. I woke up in last night's clothes my bed. Alex must have put me to bed.Stifling a yawn, I got in a pair of cycling shorts, a sports bra, and my running shoes deciding to go for a jog.

When I was running last night's memories came crashing in my word. the broken door, crying on Alex's lap and worst of all sad eyes. After throwing Chris out of my room. I felt guilty. The amount of confusion and sadness those eyes held made me want to sit and comfort him.

No. My inner say snapped. I didn't need to feel guilty. The number of bruises and tears I wasted over him. The nights I had cried myself to sleep. No.  He didn't deserve my sympathy.

And as the saying goes, speak of the devil and the devil arrives, Chris fell into step with me and started running along. We ran in silence for some time before he decided to open his big mouth.

"Sooo..............about yesterday night. You want to talk about it ?" he asked.

"No. Just forget that the night even existed" I snapped before running back to the house.

When I entered the house Alex was sitting on the sofa.

"Hey Alex, what's up? I asked taking a big sip of the water I was holding.
He stopped texting and looked up from his phone.

"There's a party tonight. The Basketball team and a few other people will be there you want to come.

"Sure why not" I answered shrugging.


Applying my red lipstick. I stepped into my red pumps getting ready for the party.

"Faith, could you take any more time" Alex yelled sarcastically from downstairs.

Being satisfied with my look I moved downstairs to join the boys.
I was wearing a strapless white dress which reached mid thigh. My hair was pulled into a top knot.

Once I reached downstairs. I was greeted with the sight of 2 boys wrestling and the other two cheering them on. Chris and Alex were rolling on the ground along with them throwing punches at each other. Sam and Cameron were cheering them on.

"What the hell is going on ?!" I yelled grabbing their attention.

Both of them stopped fighting and looked up.

"You look beautiful," Alex said trying to change the subject.

"Do I want to know what was happening five minutes back ?"

"Nope," he said popping the 'P'

"Then let's move for the party," I said walking out the door.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now