Chapter 12

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"If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you"


"That one look like a troll" I said pointing out to a cloud on my right.

After the library incident, Chris took us to the park. He'd planned it before hand. He even had a basket ready. Surprising. I was actually having fun. Maybe I won't Right now both of us were lying on the blanket looking at clouds.

"That on look like a girl with three tits," Chris said pointing out another cloud.

I rolled my eyes before replying. "You and your perverted imagination."

" Oh you love it " he replied wiggling his eyebrows.

I burst out laughing. 

We guys decide to watch a movie. After deciding on 'Mike and Dave need wedding dates' Chris brought the tickets.

When we both were entering the hall a group of girls gave Chris some Flirtatious looks. Chris gave them the cold shoulder. That's odd.

I fell in love with the movie. I mean Zac Efron and Adam DeVine, my swoon meter had literacy broken all its limits and reached the sky.

It was evening and the sun had set when we were heading for home. The day was well spent, though I would never say that to Chris. We were driving by an empty bridge when I saw something that gave me the creeps.

"Stop the car !" I yelled at Chris.

"What ?!" he asked confused.

"I said stop the bloody car !" I yelled once again.

As soon as the car came to a halt, I bolted out. There was a figure standing on the railing about to jump.

"No ! Stop" I yelled out.

Realization dawned on Chris as he too started running towards the figure.

"Don't jump !" Chris shouted.

The person took a step forward and was almost off the railing when I pulled the person back by the hoodie.

The person fell on the pavement right next to me. I quickly scrambled back to my feet and kneeled next to the person. Chris pulled the person's hood down.

Blond hair fell over her face like a curtain. I removed the hair away from her face. With red puffy eyes and tears streaming down her face was Macy.

"Macy ?" I asked in pure confusion.

She curled into a fetal position and broke down. Chris carefully picked her up and started walking towards the car. I followed them to the car.
After placing her in the back seat we drove back to my place. It was shocking to see someone like Macy trying to commit suicide.

The girl had a really good life according to me. Her parents were loaded, she had a reputation in school, she was the head cheerleader too. But I was no one to judge.

The lights were still switched on when we reached home. Macy leaned on me for support as we walked to the front porch. Chris rung the bell.
Damon opened the door. He opened his mouth to say something but the look I gave him, shut him up.

I took Macy to the living room and made her sit on one of the comfortable sofas. Chris entered the room holding a blanket and a glass of water.

I wrapped the blanket around her and handed her the glass of water. She had half of the glass before keeping the glass down.

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