Chapter 11

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"I love you for not only what you are, but for what I am when I am with you"





I swatted at whatever or whoever that was trying to destroy my sleep . For god sake, it was a Sunday! I mean the sun wasn't even out.



"For the love of ice-cream, let met sleep." I whined before burying myself underneath my cover. But I think I jinxed myself cause very soon the covers were ripped off me.

"Rise and shine love !"
Chris yelled plopping down on the bed.

"What are you doing here at 10 bloody am!" I yelled looking at the time.

"Remember I got you in the auction, so you're mine for the day." He said with a wide grin.

"And what exactly do you want to do at 10 in the morning."

"You and I are going to the library. I'm giving you half an hour to get ready." Saying this he went downstairs.

I groaned before going for a shower. I washed my hair and shaved my legs taking my time. Once I was all done I wrapped myself in my towel and walked to my closet.

I wore my blue denim shorts and a white crop top which showed my belly piercing. Slipping in my converse, I grabbed my leather jacket heading downstairs.

"Morning" Alex said handing me a plate of pancakes.

"Morning" I replied giving his cheek a kiss.

"Good morning to me too" Chris exclaimed sarcastically.

So why are we going to the library?"
"I have a paper to write on the Theory of Relatively and I suck at physics and a little birdie told me you love physics. " he concluded.

I turned and glared at Alex. That cheeky bastard set me up! Once I was done with breakfast. I told Chris to go on and I would be out in a minute.

"What are you trying to do Alex ?"

"Nothing" he replied a little too quickly.

"No seriously. What's you plan" I asked starting to get a little annoyed.

"Look, Faith, it's been so long since 'then' and I think Chris too has changed, I mean the guy has matured and he's not done something to harm you in any way...."

"Alex get to the point"

"What I'm trying to say is that you should give him a second chance. "

That's when I lost it.

" A Second chance! You're asking me to give him a second chance. Have you forgotten what I went through? How - " but I couldn't complete the sentence. It was too painful.

I didn't even know I was crying until Alex cupped my face wiped the tears away.

"shh.......don't cry kitten" he said hugging me.

Alex was correct. Chris had changed. Maybe I could give him a chance. But I didn't want my heart to be broken again once. It was too much of pain to bare. But  I straightened up making my decision.

"Fine, I'll give him a chance, but- "

"If he breaks your heart I'll break his face." Alex completed for me. Chris was waiting in the car. I silently went and sat up front. But he didn't start the car.

"Why aren't we morning?" I asked in annoyance.

"Um. I don't know where the library is"  he replied embarrassed.

"You're telling me that in your 18 years of existence you've never been to the library.

"I know it's embarrassing! But I never had to go. I didn't need to" he wined.

I burst out laughing. After giving him instructions to the library we reached in ten minutes. Once we entered the library Chris stopped and looked at me with a lost expression.

"You're hopeless" I muttered before dragging him to the physics section.

I gave him a list of books to look for and started hunting for some myself.

"Hey Faith" he kind of yelled. Scratch that he literally yelled.

The old librarian shushed him. I swear to god the lady looked like the monster librarian from Monster's University.

"What." I hissed.

"I can't find this particular book." he said pointing at one I'd written for him to find.

The author's name was 'Leonard Mlodinow'. I began by looking in the sections with all the all the authors with their sir name beginning with 'M'.

It wasn't in its correct place. I looked in shelves around that area but I still couldn't find it.

"Look what I found" Chris said holding a bright pink coloured book with the picture of an animated skimpy girl on top. Curious I asked.

"What is it?"

He opened the book and started reading.

"What's a smart, attractive, like myself doing without you number ?"

"What is your best Non-sexual pickup line ?.......... I brought my library card cause I'm checking you out."

"Those are some nice pants..........mind if I test the zipper ?"

"One time...... Daddy didn't pull out fast enough."

"Is your name jingle bells, cause you look like you go all the way !"

"Are you a Candle? because I'm going to blow you."

"Do you like Bacon? Wanna strip ?"

"Are you butt dialing? Because I swear that ass is calling me !"

I doubled over in laughter at the last one. It was hilarious. Chris too was laughing. I mean a book for pick-up lines. It was priceless.

"Shh......" the librarian shushed us.

"I need to buy a copy of this book" Chris said clicking a picture of the cover.

"Absolutely. Get one for me too." I replied grinning.

All of a sudden Chris turned towards me and started walking forward. He stopped once I was caged in his arms. He slowly leaned in and his lips, brushed my jaw, my neck and them my ear.

What the hell was happening?

I sucked in a breath and bit my lip trying to trap the moan that was escaping from my lips. His hand rested on my hip as he reached for something behind me. His lips were near my ear the whole time. When he got whatever he was fetching he whispered in a deep husky voice.

"I found the book" before stepping away and standing beside me holding the book.

I was still in kind of a daze when Chris waved his hand in front of me.

"Faith? Are you alright" he asked while smirking.

Cheeky asshole.

"Ya, I'm fine. Let's go" I quickly said before turning around.

But I lost my balance and in tries of saving myself, I pulled him too making us both fall on the shelves. I started in horror as shelf after shelf came tumbling to the ground like a domino puzzle.

"Holy shit" Chris whispered beside me.

The librarian's face turned red with anger as she started yelling at us.

"Horny teenagers. Look what you've done! Kid's like you should be ba- "but I never heard her finish her sentence as Chris bolted out the library dragging me along.

We quickly reached his car and sat in as we broke into fits of laughter before Chris said.

"That was EPIC !"

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now