Chapter 36

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"For all the things my hands have held the best by far is you."


The funeral was like what funerals are usually like. Alex was spending the night at the Knight's manor with Cory. James was planning to go and work some more. Beth had gone along with him trying to stop him.
Faith was supposed to crash at our place tonight so she was coming back home with me. Throughout the funeral she was really strong, she didn't even cry once. Faith was sitting on the shotgun while I was driving. There was a comfortable silence between us.

I parked the car in her driveway but she didn't move. I got out of my seat and then opened the door for her.

"Faith, we're here," I said snapping her out of her thoughts.

She looked at me and then at the house before finally getting out. We walked in silence to her room. She entered first switching the light on and I followed.

Suddenly, I was pushed to the wall and Faith's lips crashed onto mine. Automatically my hands snaked around her waist to pull her closer. But as bad as I wanted to kiss her back I knew this was wrong. So I pushed her away.

"We can't do this Faith. It's not right." I whispered against her lips.
"I don't care. I need to forget about whatever is happening. I need you."

" You'll regret it later

"I won't, " she said so sincerely.

And all my worries vanished as she pressed her lips to mine. Her hands snaked around my neck and I pulled her closer. The kiss was hot and demanding. I bit her lower lip and slid my tongue in her mouth as she gasped.

Picking her off the ground I set her on the table next to us. She spread her legs wrapping them around my torso and began to push the heavy jacket off my body, not breaking the kiss. Soon I began to trail kisses across her jaw then her neck and went back to her lips. It was pure bliss.

Her small hands began to unbutton my dress shirt as my hands trailed up her bare thigh. As her hands began to trail and explore my body I moaned which encouraged her further as she pulled me closer rubbing her body against my crotch.

This woman was going to be the death of me.

I lifted her off the desk and carried her to the bed. In one swift movement, I had ripped her dress off her. She moaned as I sucked on her collarbone. I sucked, bit lightly and then licked the sensitive skin making sure to leave a mark.

"Chris......" she moaned.

My hand trailed up her back to the clasp of her lace bra and unclasped it. Pulling the straps down and I threw it behind me.
Our moves weren't calculated. She was the fire and I was the damn gasoline.

It was pure passion fueling us. We were dragged into a world of our own. Where it was just both us, and no worries. Where we could freely be who we were.  A place where I was in love with her and she was in love with me.


I woke up in the morning with sunlight falling on my face. I turned to find the other side of the bed empty. Sitting up I looked around the room. I was in my room. Wasn't I supposed to spend the night at Chris's place.


Last night's memories came in like a flood. I remembered Chris telling me that I would regret it in the morning and I still couldn't decide. Did I regret it?

Getting up from the bed I walked to the bathroom, tied the robe around my body and looked in the mirror. There was a small love bite below my collarbone and one near my Tattoo. Splashing water on my face I headed back to my room.

There was a note lying on the pillow next to mine which I hadn't seen before. I picked it up.

*Meet me at noon. We're going out. Wearing something comfortable.*

What did it mean? My emotions were on high. Without realising I had already dialled Cory's number. The phone rang twice before she picked up.

"No Theo! Leave my bra you twit. Alex stops him. What sort of boyfriend are you? Cory was yelling on the phone. In the background, I could hear Damon snicker then say.
"Ya Alex. What sort of boyfriend are you ?!"

And then came Cory's reply "Don't feel so special mister! What sort of brother's are both of you? One steals my bra and the other destroys my blow drier! And why are there so many guys in my house anyway? Get out! All of you. This instant."

There was a lot of shuffling on the other side before I finally met with silence.

"Hey, chicka. What's up ?" Cory asked in a casual tone.
"My life is officially fucked up."

"Wait what do you mean? What happened?"

'I slept with him."

"Slept with who ?" she asked slowly in a suspicious manner.
I didn't answer.

"Answer me Faith who did you sleep with ?"

Taking a deep breath I answer.


There was eerie silence on the other side.

"Sorry, can you repeat that I thought you said Chris.

"I did"

"So you're telling me that you slept with Chris. You're ex-best friend,?


There was silence once more.

"And how do you feel about that?

"I don't know Cory ?! I don't know what to feel !"

"Do you regret it ?"

"No" I answered after what felt like ages and could feel a large weight lifting off my shoulders.

"Answer me truthfully Faith. Are you in love with him ?"

My instant reaction would be a 'No' but right now that 'No' felt wrong. was I in love with Chris ? Maybe. He had always been there for me after we settled things. He got to me when my own family couldn't. So was I in love with Chris ?

The time he apologised in the graveyard was indescribable. And we've had a long journey since then. My entire life had turned around the minute Chris entered in for the second time. Long gone was the skinny boy who could bring my mother a rose every day just because she had the same name.

Long gone was the boy would beat any kid in our class who said anything bad to me. Instead, he'd turned into a strong, sweet, and a little idiotic jackass. If I asked he would still beat any guy for me. If my mother would have still been alive he would still get her a rose every single day for the rest of his existence. So was I in love with my ex-best friend? The one who destroyed yet weaved my life back together. The one who brought me ice-cream tubs at two a.m. at night. Was I in love with Chris?
Yes, I definitely was.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now