Chapter 28

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" Love is merely a madness."


When I opened my eyes the next morning I was in a moving car.

Wait, What ?!

I bolted up in my seat only to find Chris driving, munching on an apple.

"Morning" He replied cheerfully.

"Where are we?" I asked groggily.

"Driving" He replied.

"I can see that, but wait. Where are we driving to?"


"You mean to say we're driving from Florida to New-York. That's not even possible !"  I exclaimed.

"Of course it is. We're halfway there." He replied glancing towards me.

"What ?!"

"Currently we're in Virginia"

"You've got to be kidding me" I murmured closing my eyes.

"Hey don't look so bummed we're going to New-York!

"May I ask why are we going to New-York in the first place?"

"Well, you've looked so sad since Alex has left-

"I have ?" I asked cutting him off.

"Yes you have and yesterday night when you came back home you looked extra too sad. So I decided to kidnap you and take you to New-York. Of course, I asked your Dad first and called Macy and Vanessa to pack you a little suitcase." He continued ranting.

"Chris," I said once.

"No, let me finish. I mean I had no ill intentions. And I thought you would be happy-"


"Plus after I talked to Da------------"

"Chris !" I yelled and he shut up.

"Thank you for doing this. There's no way I can ever repay you. It was really sweet of you."

Chris turned a deep red at all the compliments and muttered a " whatever."

"Since when have you been driving.?" I suddenly asked.

"Since we left home." He replied as if that wasn't a big thing.

"On my fucking God. Stop the  bloody car!" I yelled on top of my lungs.

The car came to a sudden halt- Chris turned to me with a shocked face.

"Geez woman you scared the living daylights out of me!"

"Sorry." I apologized sheepishly. " I just wanted to drive since you've been driving since forever!" I explained.

"There's a pit stop coming up next. You can freshen up there and then we'll switch."

"Okay." I agreed.

True to his word within ten minutes we reached a pitstop. I changed in one of the restrooms and Chris filled some gas in the car. After doing whatever we needed to do and buying some strawberries we left for the road but this time with me as the driver.

I loved to drive. When I got my license I was literally on top of the world and soon after that, I got into racing. At my old town, I was known as ' "The unbeatable' because no one had ever beaten me at a race. No one.

I turned towards Chris to tell him this but he was fast asleep. I smiled as I lay the blanket on him and resumed driving.

It was a quiet and peaceful drive with no traffic. Chris slept most of the way. Beth called up once in the middle asking where had we reached. Chris woke up when we well on the outskirts of New York city.

"Hey. How long did I sleep for ?" he asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I chuckled.

"Pretty long." I answered back referring to the dark sky outside.

"You should have woken me up." He said sitting up.

"Nah. It's okay."

"Are you hungry? We haven't really had anything since the morning."

"No-" but I was cut off by the growling of my stomach.

Chris chuckled. He opened the box of strawberries and held one in front of me to bite into.

"What are you doing ?"

"Feeding you." He replied shrugging.

I bit into the juicy strawberry finishing it in two bites. Chris had one himself and fed me another one. Soon I could see the ' Welcome to New York City!' sign.

"Better ?" Chris asked once the box was empty.

"Hmm..." I replied nodding.



"I can't believe you drove all the way from Florida to New-York," Alex exclaimed hugging me.

"Believe it, brother," I replied in a sing-song voice.

Suddenly Cory jumped onto me out of nowhere. I screamed as both of us fell down one top of each other. We looked at each other forming a plan in our mind. I smirked. Chris and Alex were in for a show.

"This position in really really turning me on. Don't you agree Faith?" Cory asked running her hand up my waist.

"Oh it really is Cory. I've never ever kissed a girl you know."

Both the boys gasped.

"Let's change that, shall we," Cory said leaning in. Just when we were millimeters apart both of us burst out laughing and turned towards the flabbergasted boys.

Their mouths hung agape and eyes wide with shock.

"You were......I don't.....What...." Chris spoke up not being able to complete even one question.

We laughed harder.

"Aren't we dating........Do you even..........." Alex too had the same effect.

"Yes Alex, we're dating. You and me. Not Faith and I. I love you." Cory explained hugging him.

Alex didn't look convinced so Cory smashed her lips to his. Meanwhile I tried to get Chris out of shock.


"Yeah." He answered back deep in thought.

"What are you thinking?"

"How that was so wrong but yet so hot. I actually thought that both of you were going to make out!" he whined like a child.

"Same here," Alex exclaimed pulling away from Cory and sitting on the sofa with Cory on his lap.

Their apartment in New York was pretty decent. It was well-furnished and quite near to the company Alex was doing an internship at. I'd just came to know that Cory was doing a course on genetics.

When I'd entered the apartment for the first time I was met with the sight of a giant bunny. It was literally 5 feet tall. On asking about it, I'd learned that Alex had got it for Cory as a sorry gift on a fight they had.

It was adorable to see my brother smitten by a girl.

"What's the plan for tonight, Florida," I asked them before sitting down.

Tonight we rest. Both of you literally just drove all the way from Florida to NewYork." Cory added with a laugh.

I fake pouted but didn't fight her . I really was tired. Chris and I were sharing a room. It had twin beds which I was thankfull for that. Changing into my night suit I went to bed.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now