Chapter 17

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"We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness and call it love. True love."


Today the school was buzzing with excitement for some reason. People were jumping from one place to another

"What's all this about?" I asked Macy.

"No idea" she replied with a shrug.

When I entered the school hallway my eyes literally popped out of its socket. The entire hallway was HOT PINK!

"Holy Christ" Macy muttered.

The lockers, walls, and the ceilings were all hot pink! Then it clicked. Faith. She had hot pink splatters of paint all over her the other day and she said something about a bet. And my suspicion was confirmed when Faith entered the hallway wearing blue denim high waisted shorts and a t-shirt which said ' I DIDN'T DO IT' in Hot Pink'. Oh, the irony. 

"Hey," she greeted smiling brightly once she reached us.

"I know what you did this weekend" I whispered once she was next to me.

"Just like to me there's no other. I know what you did last summer. Tell me where you've been!" She started singing ' i know what you did last summer'.

I burst out laughing.

"Seriously. How did you do it?" I asked her.

"That for me to know and you to find out." She whispered back.

Just as I was about to say something a very sleepy Vanessa and a hyperactive Sam walked up to us. Vanessa groaned and said.

"I'm so sleepy." Before learning on the locker and shutting her eyes.
Sam kept jumping up and down on his legs.

"What's up with both of you?" Macy asked.

"First I couldn't get a proper night  sleep then we overslept and had to rush to get to school." Vanessa tried to explain with her eyes shut.

"We?" I asked her.

"Ya. Sam and I. It's all his fault. I mean who decides to have a movie marathon on a school night.

"Wait Sam spent the night at your place?" Faith asked with wide eyes.
"Ya. I fell asleep while watching the movie plus it was late so her Mum asked me to stay." Sam said trying to solve a Rubix cube.

"Wait. I'm confused. Someone, please explain properly." Macy said.

"One day Sam and I were talking and I told him I hadn't seen any Disney movies. So yesterday night he showed up on my doorstep holding a stack of Disney movies and my mother was too excited cause it was for the first time. I'd got a guy friend at home so she let him be ." Vanessa said rolling her eyes.

"Hey !" Sam protested

"Anyway. He forced me to watch High School Musical,- all three parts, Hairspray, Teen Beach Movie – both the parts. Imagine my condition. So while watching the last movie we fell asleep on the couch and overslept this morning." She finished.

"Then how come are you dying and Sam's flying through the clouds." Faith asked.

"It's known as Black Coffee. Three cups of Black Coffee."

"What about your dad. Didn't he question it ?" I asked.Vanessa's eyes widened.

Cory came floricking in with Damon and Alex. She was humming too.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now