Chapter 25

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"I want a girl who doesn't know she's beautiful so I  have an excuse to let her know all the time....."


"Hurry Chris," I whisper yelled dragging him behind me.

Right now we were at my house. I was trying to drag Chris to my room so that I could tell him the shocking news I'd just found.

After the spray-paint incident, we were becoming closer and closer. We were almost caught that night key word- almost. Macy had turned a deep red when Damon showed her the spray painted SpongeBob which said " I love Mace"

"No Faith. I'm not going to your bedroom with you. Your parents are in the house!" he yelled loud enough for dad and Beth to hear. I hit him on the back of his head.

"Ow. Geez woman. I know I'm irresistible but please keep your hands to yourself."

"Idiot," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" he asked prompting me.

"Nothing. I was just saying how great a person you are." I said with a sickly sweet smile.

"Sure you were. Okay so listen to this. I was going through that book of pick up lines and I found this really funny one."

I stopped on the stairs and turned towards him waiting for him to continue.

"You're just like my pinky finger. Small, cute and I'd totally bang you against the coffee table."

I burst out laughing. This was really funny. I squealed as Chris picked me up and carried me to my room.

"Chris! Put me down."

"No can do love."

He opened the door to my room and literally threw me on the bed. I bounced before falling face-first on the floor. Chris started to laugh.

"ow, " I groaned getting up. Chris kept laughing. He bent down on his knees laughing harder

"Are you done". I asked sarcastically.

He picked up his finger telling me to wait for a minute I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

"You have to agree that that was really funny." He said sobering up.

"Ya-Ya whatever. Now look at this."

I said grabbing my laptop and sitting on the bed. I patted the space next to me on the bed for Chris to sit on as I switched on the laptop.

"What is all this about? He asked confused.

"Patience is the key to success," I say in a sing-song voice.

I turn to him to explain the situation while the  documents loaded

"I hacked into your brother's accounts."

"You what ? ! he asked shocked.

"It was for a good cause!" I said defending myself.

"Explain." He said with a stern expression.

"Okay, so you must have noticed that there is some tension between your brother and Tori ."

"Ya ."

"So I hacked into his accounts to do a little research work on them."

"Why," he asked turning to me.

"To get rid of Madison the bitch."

"She is a big bitch! Her butler got her an iced coffee instead of a mocha latte and she poured the entire drink into the plants talk about being a snob." Chris exclaimed.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now