Chapter 31

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" Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted."


New Orleans. It felt as if the word was engraved in my heart. I could finally meet her.

Tori. That girl had driven me crazy. There wasn't a second when I wasn't thinking about her. In the beginning, drinking helped me numb that pain but not anymore. My family was worried about me. I could see it on their faces.

But all of it was going to change today. Why? Because I was going to meet Tori. I caught the first flight available to New Orleans and Landed in the city around twelve. The previous day I had found her address and hailing a taxi I went straight to her place.

The apartments she lived in were average sized though in really good condition. I checked the address again before entering the building 8-c. Where the hell was 8-C? After looking around for 10 minutes I finally found it on the fourth floor.

What was I supposed to do now? Should I knock or just barge in? I went with option 'a' and knocked twice on the brown door. Two minutes later she opened the door.

As a smile overtook my face hers faded away.Her eyes widened in shock she tried to shut the door but I put my foot to prevent it. Poking my head inside I said.

"We need to talk."

She gulped nervously but didn't give me an answer I sighed and spoke again in a more gentle tone.

"You can't avoid me forever Tori. We have to talk sometime."
She didn't say anything but meekly nodded and opened the door.I entered her apartment and sat on the sofa straightaway.

"Jacque?" I asked wanting to know where the boy was.
She shook her head as, if  saying, He's not here.'

Her silence was killing me. I needed to hear her voice so I began.

"I'm an ass."

She still didn't say anything.
"I'm an ass for choosing Madison over you. I've realised what a blunder I'd made and now I'm here to fix that. I know you won't forgive me but I'm going to keep trying til you do. I love you, Tori. You're my everything.

Realising I'd said the words aloud for the first time ever I repeated them.

"I Caleb William Woods love you, Victoria Swan Monroe"

For the first time in the entire evening, she finally spoke but not the words I was waiting to hear.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered not meeting my eyes.

That's when I noticed the little bump on her belly. I wasn't a dumb fuck and put two and two together. She looked almost four months along and that was the time we.....

"They're mine" I exclaimed rather than asking. She nodded once again.

I didn't know what to feel. My Emotions were at war inside me.

"Please say something Caleb" Tori pleaded. But I didn't know what to say. How could I say something when I didn't know what I was feeling.

"I just need to be alone for some time." The words left my mouth before I even knew it. I got up and went outside the apartment. The last thing I heard before leaving was "I'm sorry."


It's been five hours and thirty-two minutes since the last time I saw Caleb. I can't blame him for reacting in such a manner because it is partially my mistake but he too is wrong at some point. If he wouldn't have been with that bitch anything would have gone wrong.

Jacque had wanted to stay at his friend's place leaving me alone with my thoughts. Ten Minutes to eight the door opened. I looked up to see Caleb entering, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. He came and sat next to me.

"I'm really really mad at you" he began by saying this. I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off.

"But saying this I know it's not only your fault. It's mine as well. Though I'm angry with you for not telling me about our child. How could you let it grow fatherless? I mean how could you hide such a big thing from me."

Silent tears streamed down my face.

"Victoria I know we can make this work and I know this because I love you. I want you and the child to be a part of my life. I want us all to be a finally. You, me and our child."

Saying this he kneeled down in front of me and put his hand on my belly. His hands wiped away the stray tears still falling down my face. He then whispered.

"Shh.....Don't cry beautiful."

I literally lunged at him and smashed my lips to his. The sensation to kiss him again, to feel his hands on my body was something that even words could not express.

Caleb pulled me onto his lap and pulled me close to his body with our lips still connected. My hands automatically went to his soft hair and began to pull at it. I started to rock against him and the moans falling from his mouth were a sign of encouragement.

"Christ" Caleb muttered against my mouth.
My eyes widened as his rough hands surfing ripped the t-shirt off my body in one movement. My own hands began to tug at his heavy jacket. He began to kiss down my neck then my collarbone finally reaching the valley between my breasts. My own hands clawed at his muscular hands.

"God Tori, I want you now." he said looking into my eyes.

I stared back at the hazel coloured eyes myself before answering.

"Then take me. I'm all yours."

Caleb literally attacked my mouth again and got up from the sofa with me wrapped around him. He carried me to the bedroom gently laying me on the mattress and climbing on top.

He began kissing down my body. I was so lost that I didn't even realise when he stopped at my belly. Alarmed I sat up.

"What's wrong." I asked looking at his face trying to understand what he was feeling.

He spoke after a moment of silence.

"Nothing. I just can't believe I'm about to become a father."

Saying this he kissed my belly. I smiled down at him before capturing my mouth with his once again and dragging us into the bedroom for one of the best nights of our life.

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