Chapter 10

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" Even when we fight and I put up a wall, I want you to climb over it and show me that you still care."


"So let me get this clear. Both of you are married? Vanessa asked. 

"It's complicated " I explained.

It was Saturday. All of us were at my house. That meant Alex, Chris, Damon, Cory, and Sam were here. Cameron had some family thing to do. Cedric was out with Julie. Vanessa was here too.

"Now if you think about it , you never told us how you got married. All we know is that you were drunk." Chris asked deep in thought.

"So it was my 18th bday party and it was a grand one." I chuckled at the memory.

"Everyone was unbelievably drunk, all of a sudden Faith and I had an idea of getting married in Las Vegas." Damon continued.

"We hailed a cab all the way to Las Vegas and went to this small marriage hut."

"But the priest who was supposed to do the ceremony wasn't really a priest but on actor practicing for this play in which he was acting like a priest."  I explained.

"So we aren't actually married  but after the incident, it became like an inner joke" Damon concluded.

Chris let go of a breath which looked like a sigh of relief. We stayed in silence for a minute before a light bulb went up in Cory's head.

"Didn't you have the video Faith. From your 18th bday." She said reminding me.

I thought for a minute before I realized she was right. I did have a USB somewhere.

"Wait I'll just run and get it. Why don't one of you get some snacks ?"
I ran to my room and started looking through my drawers. I didn't even realize when Chris entered my room.

"Nice ! Red is officially my favorite colour".

"Chris what the hell are you talking about ?" I asked turning around.

My mouth dropped open at the sight in front. He was standing in front of my underwear drawer holding my red lace bra.

"You pervert !" I yelled before I started chasing him around my room.

"You can't catch me faith!" Chris said before jumping on my bed.

"Oh you don't know what I'm capable off Christopher River wood !" I said before jumping on the bed as well."

We were fun fighting and laughing when I realised I was laughing with Chris , cause of Chris.

I was on top of Chris when the laughter died down. I stared into those blue orbs. I didn't even realise I was learning in. Chris met me halfway. He looked at my lips and I looked at his. I felt the faintest brush of his lips when the door suddenly banged open.

We jumped away from each other in the flicker of an second. Vanessa stood at the door with an amused expression on her face.

"Alex told me to call you downstairs. He found the USB in his room."

I nodded not trusting my voice. What was I about to do?!" Kissing the guy I'd spent almost all my life hating. This was wrong.

I silently made my way downstairs with Chris on my trail. The room was already set up. There were popcorn bowls and Dorito packet kept on the table , grabbing on a seat between Cory and Vanessa I sat down .


I watched as Faith made herself comfortable between Cory and Vanessa. Grabbing a bowl of popcorn. I sat next to Damon.  He looked at me and asked.

"Dude is something wrong ?"

"Nah man."

Alex played the video. I stared at the screen as it began.

"Happy B'day Faith !" the Crowd cheered on.

Faith was descending down a staircase in a long black sleevless dress. It had a slit too showcasing her leg. She was wearing a gold metallic flower crown on her head.

"Thanks to everyone who's here for my Birthday. I'm 18 !" she yelled. The crowd cheered on again.

"There's an endless flow of food and liquor. So eat all you want and drink till the sun comes up ! let the party begin !!" She concluded throwing her hands in the air to add effect.

The video was in snippets. People were drinking ! dancing and making out in corners. There was a theme of red, black, and gold. Faith wasn't kidding when she said that there was an endless supply of liquor.

"Okay people if you'll hudle up at's time for the traditional drink for the birthday girl."

"Yay !" the crowd cheered once again.

On a table were 18 shots lined up one after the other. Sam paused the video turning to faith.

"You had 18 shots ! You could have gotten alcohol poisoning !! Were you out of your mind ?"

"Sam. I'm not stupid. Only a handful were alcohol shots most of them were water and some gin and tonic." Faith  replied.

"Ya. That makes sense." he said playing the video.

The countdown began as faith downed each shot. The video changed again and it showed Alex and Faith slow dancing on the dance floor.

Faith was standing on Alex's shoes and they were swaying together. After a while of dancing faith looked up at Alex and spoke.

"I'm glad I found you Alex. Even though you can be a doofus at times, there's not a thing I would change about you. You are the best friend I could have asked for. I love you."

"Faith, there's nothing I would change about you too. I've seen you through the years and you've changed into a new person. A better person. I love you too."

The video ended. Both the girls 'awwww...." ed together I turned my head just in time to see faith jump on top of Alex for a hug.

"I love you Papa Bear."

"And I love you kitten."

 And for some apparent reason, my heart shattered at the scene in front.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now