Chapter 22

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"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations."


I was royally screwed.

Okay. First I was going to get married to Madison of all people. Ya sure she was hot and good in bed but she was really annoying and demanding. And now Tori comes back in my life, messing up all my emotions. Ugh ! How I hated girls.

It was almost midnight. Madison was snoring like a pig. I shipped in my slippers and went downstairs only to find Chris stuffing his face with cake.

"Now I know where all the cake goes." I teased grabbing a fork myself.
He said something, which sounded like I was hungry and stuffed his face a little more.

We sat in silence finishing the cake when Chris asked me.

"Okay Tell me truthfully, Where did you get Madison?"

"I know she can be a little difficult but overall she's a nice person." I lied.

"I'm not buying that crap."

"She's this guy's daughter whose company I'm interested in by buying. It I get his company, Our company will be unbeatable. "

"So all of this for a stupid company."

"Yes and no. It's a little more complicated than that. You won't understand." I tried to explain.

He nodded in understanding, before asking another question.

"What about Tori? What's happening between you two."But I was saved from answering that question as Cedric came strolling in the kitchen as well.

"So I have a question," Cedric said taking out the carton of milk and a glass.

"Shoot." Chris and I said at the same time.

"So there's this girl whom I want to ask out for ice-cream but I don't want to come off as desperate."

"Why don't you just casually ask her if she wants to get ice-cream when you guys are having a conversation," Chris suggested.

"What if she say's no." he asks.

"Trust me with our genes she won't say no. I'm talking from experience." I said with a nod.

"Your Mum never said no," Dad said entering the kitchen, grabbing a piece of cake for himself.

All of us laughed.

"We showed really have a boy's day out," Chris suggested.

"Definitely" Dad agreed.
"Your money or life." someone said in a very weird voice.
Cedric clung to me.  

"Now I know where all my cookies and cakes vanish overnight." Mum joked entering the kitchen.

"Mom! You scared me !" Cedric yelled finally letting me go.

Mum just laughed and joined us on the table. A loud snore echoed in the house,  as if a pig.

"Is that –" Chris began.

"Madison," I confirmed sadly.


I was sitting in Chris's living room talking to George. Since Alex wasn't here I was spending more and more time with Chris.

"Mr. Woods" Tori greeted entering the living trailing behind her.

Their resemblance was striking. At the same time Caleb entered the living room. Talk about awkward silence.

"Hello Victoria" George teased her. Tori rolled her eyes.

"I just wanted to ask you if I could take the rest of the day off. Jacque wants to go to the park. "She said pointing at the child.

"Sure. Take the rest of the day off. You anyways work too much." he said dismissing her.

"Thank you !" She said hugging him and leaving with Jacque.

As soon as she was out of earshot Caleb asked.

"Is she married, cause I didn't see a ring."

"Oh no. she's not married" George answered back.

"Then what's with the kid ?" he asked confused.

"Oh, Jacque. Very sweet boy. He's her brother. She's been taking care of him since her parent death."  he explained.

"Parent's death?" I asked horrified.

"Oh yes five years ago her parents died. They were driving for her graduation ceremony when the car crashed. She couldn't even recognize the bodies."

"Oh. I have some work to do. Madison wants to go shopping." Saying this he walked off and Chris entered holding a fat album.

"Look what I found." he said sitting next to me.

I looked at the fat picture album. It was covered with blue paper and had 'PHOTO ALBUM' written on the front page. Chris kept it in the middle and opened the album. Alice called George so he left.

Our entire life was recorded in pictures. It started with pictures of us in diapers.

"Look at that one." he said pointing to a picture from when we were four I was sporting pigtails and Chris was standing next to me with a Frog in his hand.

"...... I remember you put that frog in my soup. I think you picked up the idea from some story." I shuddered in disgust at that memory.

"It was hilarious," he said grinning. I hit him on the back of his head. He laughed. I rolled my eyes, like always.

"Look at that one," I said pointing to a picture of my 8th bday party. The theme was Disney. I was dressed like Cinderella and Chris as Prince Charming.

Right next to that was another picture of my 8th bday party but I was sitting on his lap grinning at the camera and her was kissing my cheek.

"That's a cute picture," he said pointing to the same picture I was looking at.  Then there was a picture from when we were ten. I was angry at Chris for some reason and he was apologizing to me on his knees. I laughed at that one.

The picture dated till we were twelve just before my mother's death. It was nice to relive all the memories yet painful at the same time.
Chris must have noticed my sad expression cause the next thing he said made me smile.

"Want to do something fun ?"

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