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"Chris, I really got to get ready" Faith muttered against my lips.

"Hum......" I muttered back before speaking again," If you had to get ready you would make an effort to get out of this closet."


Before I could reply the closet door burst open and both of us fell out. I looked up only to find Mom glaring at us.

"For god sake Chris. It's your brother's wedding and you are too busy snogging in the closet. Get your ass moving, there's a lot of work to do." Saying this she stomped her foot and walked off.
Pulling Faith to her feet I walked to do some work. Even after being with Faith for three months I still couldn't get enough of her.

Caleb was getting married today. The wedding wasn't that big. It was a backyard wedding and only close family and friends were invited. Tori had just given birth to a daughter. She was the context thing ever. They had named her Olivia but everyone called her Liv.

So indirectly the entire house was in chaos. I entered Caleb's room, Dad was already there.

"Last chance to bail" I teased, passing him his tie.

"Shut up." he said struggling to fix his tie.

At the same time, Mom entered holding live. Everyone's face, including mine, lit up in the room.

"Hey baby, did you miss Dada? Caleb cooed taking Liv from mum's hands.

She just looked at him with her big eyes with an adorable look. God, she was too cute.

"I can't believe you're about to get married !" Mom gushed.

And so began the waterworks.

"Gosh, mum you're crying like you don't want me to get married," Caleb spoke patting her back.

"No !" She yelled jumping away from him.

All three of us looked at her waiting for her to explain.

"It's just that I'm so happy that you're finally settled down and found yourself a nice girl like Tori and ......and I'm happy that you got rid of all you bimbos !" She finished and all three of us burst out laughing.

I got out of the room only to find Damon sitting on the sofa with Macy on his lap and Theo running around in a tux.

"Hey, Chris !" Macy called out.

Damon had fallen head over heels for Macy and had finally grown some balls and asked her out last month. Obviously, she said yes.
"Hey, mace." I greeted hugging her back.

Damon tightened his hold on her waist, on this, I just laughed.

"Hey, man," I spoke grabbing Damon's attention.

But before he could say anything Theo jumped on top of me.
"Chris !"

He had just lost his front two teeth and that gave him an adorable lisp.

"Hey, little man. What's up ?"

"I don't like Damon. He took Macy away from me." he hugged crossing his arms over his chest.

Damon started to laugh.

"And how has he done that ?" I asked bending down to his level.
He pulled me closer to him and tried to whisper. Keyword 'tried'.

"Black Magic."

This time all of us burst out laughing. He gave us or look of confusion.

"Aww.....Don't worry Theo you're still the man of my dreams." Macy exclaimed picking Theo up in her arms.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now