Chapter 15

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" Ya I know he's cute. but he's mine, touch him and I'll fucking kill you."


Faith had been avoiding me since the sleepover. I don't know what came over me that day. Our parents came home yesterday night.  Apparently, they were missing us too much, that's why they cut short their trip. It was weird to shift back to my place.

It was Friday after school, the week had been super boring. Alex, Cameron and I were at Damon's place. Sam had gone out with Vanessa.

"Man what's up with you and Macy, " Cameron asked Damon while killing a zombie on the Xbox.

Even I was wondering that. Damon had been spending more and more time with Macy.

"I don't know what you're talking about, " he said looking away.

"Cut the Crap, we all know you have the hot's for her." Alex put it out bluntly.

"She's been through a lot and I'm just trying to help That's all." He tried to explain.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night !' I said grinning.

He was about to say something when the front door banged open and Cory came dashing inside. She didn't stop and ran up to her room.
Alex didn't wait for a second and dashed behind her, Damon too followed. Something was obviously wrong. Cameron and I looked at each other before running behind them.

"Cory please open the door, a " Alex said. Banging on a brown door.

"No ! go away I want to be alone." she yelled back.

"Cory stop being so difficult and open the damn door !" Alex said banging once again.

"I said leave me ALONE !" She yelled once again.

"Corianne Victoria Elizabeth Knight! Open the damn door before I break it down." Damon spoke in a very calm yet scary tone.

Everything was silent for a minute before Cory finally opened the door.
She looked horrible. Her hair were a mess and tears were streaming down her face along with her mascara. But the worse part was an ugly purplish blue bruise forming on her right check.

"What do you want ?" She snapped.

"Cor-bear what happened ?" Damon whispered kneeling down to meet her height.


But she couldn't even complete the sentence before crying again. Damon hugged her lifting her off the ground. She cried in his chest as he carried her to her bed.

Alex pulled off the cover as Damon lay her down. I poured a glass of water and handed it to her. She whispered thanks before draining it.

"So you want to talk about what happened," Cameron asked her softly.

"I broke up with my boyfriend and it didn't go well." She whispered.

Alex: Boyfriend ?"

Damon: "I didn't even know you were dating!"

Both of them said it simultaneously.

"We had been dating for almost three months. I didn't want to tell you cause I knew you wouldn't approve of him. I'm so sorry Damon! Please don't be mad " She said with pleading eyes.

"I'm not mad Cory. I'm just disappointed. That's all . " he said rubbing his temples.

"I'm sorry " She whispered as more tears streamed down her face.

" Don't cry cor-bear. Just tell me from next time okay?"
She nodded.

"So why did you two break-up?" I finally asked.

"He cheated on me. He was in town for some work and I thought I'll surprise him but when I entered his hotel room he was with this blond. And when I asked for an explanation he just shrugged and gave me an invite to join them."

Our eyes widened at this statement. The nerve of that guy.

"And what about that bruise on your cheek?" Cameron asked.

"What bruise ?" she asked confused.

"The one on your right cheek". Damon pointed out.

Cory went to the bathroom to check what we were talking about and gasped aloud when she finally saw it. She came out with anger filled in her eyes.

"That bastard ! He's dead meat" She exclaimed grabbing her stuff.

"Whoa . Where the hell are you going ?" I asked blocking the exit.

"I'm going to beat the crap out of that shithead" She said trying to side step me.

I grabbed her around her waist and carried her back in the room handing her to Alex.

"Put me down Alex !" She yelled hitting his chest.

"Not until you tell me how you got that bruise."

"When I caught him I demanded for an explanation. He refused to give me one and I refused to leave his room till he gave me one . So he tried to throw me out and when he was doing that his elbow hit my cheek which hurt like a bitch." She explained.

Damon threw Cory's hairbrush Across the room in anger.

"The guy's dead meat," he said walking towards the door but before he could open it, it banged open.

Faith came bursting into the room yelling.

"Who do I have to kill " holding a shovel. It was quite funny if you ask me.

Cory jumped out of Alex arms and hugged Faith crying all over again.
When they finally. broke apart Cameron asked her a question.

"Dude why are you hot pink?"

He was true to his words. She was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black dungarees. The difference was that it was all splattered in hot pink paint.

A grin took over her face as she remembered what she did.

"You didn't, " Alex said with a gasp.

"O, dear brother I totally did." She said picking at her nails.

"It was a stupid dare" he exclaimed.

"Not so stupid to me. " She replied shrugging.

"What did you do ?" I asked with pure curiosity.

"It's a surprise!"

She said before sitting on a chair.

After Cory narrated the entire story to Faith that's when she finally showed an emotion. That was rage but within a second an evil smile took over. I swear to God She looked like those animated villains rubbing her hands together.

She whispered something in Cory's ear and the same smile took over her face. It was quite scary actually.

"I'm scared," I whispered to the other boys .

"Me too" Alex agreed.

"When girls are angry they're scarier than Satan himself," Cameron muttered.

"Once I cut Cory's hair and cause of that I got shit for an entire week. I had to go to the doctor to show my balls" he whispered with a sad expression. 

We looked at him with wide and scared eyes.

"Okay, out all of you. We have a lot of work to do1" Cory said in a sing-song voice, chucking us out of the room.

I turned around to ask a question but she'd already shut the door on my face.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now