Chapter 26

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" Veni. Vidi. Amavi -  we came, we saw, we loved."


"I can't imagine the nerve of that girl!" Chris exclaimed.

Right now we were driving to wherever Chris was taking us. When we were about to leave Madison entered wearing this really really revealing dress. It was a bright orange and made her look like a pumpkin. I'm not even kidding. The conversation went something like this.

"Oh, you people are already leaving? " She asked.

"Yes we are, you are two hours late" Chris replied sounding annoyed.

"Well, I like to enter in style. Oh and faith we should go shopping sometimes, I'm sure I can find something ....................suitable for you to wear." She said eyeing me up and down.

I was two minutes away from clawing her eyes out. If it wasn't for that woman would be lying dead in a ditch somewhere.

Anyways back to the present, This secret drive was taking too long.

"Chris! How much more time?!" I whined.

"Another 20 minutes." He replied.

"How will I survive till then? You dragged me before I could even eat my dessert!" Okay, I know I sounded like a child right now but Hey! Food is life.

"Oh ya that remind me, there's a box for you in the backseat."

I quickly turned around and surely there was a container. I quickly opened the lid and the aroma of macaroons hit me! I quickly stuffed a few in my mouth. Chris barked but a laugh.

"What? Can't you see I'm on a date! " I exclaimed with my mouth full.

Chris just laughed.I rolled my eyes. This was like an everyday thing now.

"We're here " Chris declared after another ten minutes.

I looked up to see a bright sigh which said 'Build-a-Bear'! Oh my freakin' god.

"You got me to bloody Build-a-Bear!"

Don't you like it? We can go back if you want!"  he said with a panic stricken face.

"No. No. I really like Build- a bear. It's just that this was the last place I came to with my Mum." I explained.

His expression softened.He quickly opened his door and then mine.

"Let's go," he said pulling me out. I trailed behind him till the entrance of the shop. Chris and I looked a little old dressed in formal attire, among all the children. A sudden burst of energy pulled me out of my bubble of sadness.

I dragged Chris to choose my teddy bear. I ended up choosing a Nutella-coloured one. After choosing My teddy I went and stood in line to fill it. Chris spotted a lollipop stand somewhere so he went to get us two.

As I was waiting, a lady who looked like in her mid thirties spotted me and gave me a sympathetic look. I gave her a confused one in return.

"It's  Okay child, with time you will learn to handle all your problems." She said nodding.

"Huh?" I asked her confused.

"The first few yeas will be tough but as they grow it becomes easier" She tried to explain.

Holy shit! She thought I was one of those teen mothers.

"Oh no. You—" but before I could tell her the truth Chris called out my name holding the damn lollipops.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now