Chapter 37

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" All you need is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust."


Where could he be taking me? Was the first question which popped into my mind as soon as I kept the phone down. And the second question was what should I wear? but I got the answer to the second question soon enough.

Chris had left a green t-shirt which said 'I'm with stupid' and had an arrow pointing to the right side. I pulled out my ripped denim shorts and my blue converse as well. After quickly taking a shower I put on my clothes and sat in front of my dresser. On one hand, I wore a lot of bands and left the other one bare. For my makeup, I applied a thick layer of winged eyeliner and some mascara. I let my hair fall in their natural waves. Tucking my phone in my back pocket and after slipping into my converse I left my room. On passing the kitchen my eyes popped out of their sockets. Dad was sitting on the kitchen island eating breakfast whereas Beth was dancing around the kitchen flipping pancakes.

"Good morning my princess" Dad said kissing my cheek.

"Good morning love. How did you sleep?" Beth asked handing me a plate stacked with pancakes.

"What..........How..............What's happening right now ?" I asked sitting on the island myself.

"And at that moment the front door opened and Alex literally came frolicking in. He was humming too. God, he reminded me of such a princess at that moment.

"Good morning my lovely sister and Mum and James ! Isn't it such a bright day."

Okay, this was definitely weird.

"What's up with you people ?" I declared getting up from my seat.

"I realized that if Nana would have been here she would have wanted us to move our sulking asses and enjoy life," Alex explained and the lovely couple in the room agreed.

"And that's why baby sister you're going out on that date with Chris. He took my permission." Alex continued pulling my chucks. I swatted his hand away.

"Ya he asked me as well" spoke Dad.

"Me too" added Beth.

I turned a deep shade of red.

"Go now, it's noon already," Beth said giving me a slight push.

My family was awesome.

And sure enough, Chris was waiting in front of his car near my front lawn wearing the same shirt as mine.

"Hi," squeked out. What the hell was wrong with me? Why the hell was I so nervous. It was just Chris.

"Hey. You look beautiful," he replied opening the car door for me.
"You look nice too."

He just gave me a million dollar smile and started the car.

"Where are we going ?"

I asked him.

"It's a surprise."

"Why do you always say that ?" I joked.

"Why do you always look so pretty." he retorted.

God my insides were meeting.

"Since when did you become so cheesy?"
"Recently." he replied.

I glanced at the back seat and seat and saw the body bag full of spray cars.

"I see you got your sedated whore today." Catching onto my joke he smirked and played along.

"What can I say. She was really whiny today morning."

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now