Chapter 8

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"So many girls fall in love with the wrong guys, simply because the wrong guys say the right things."


"Oh, Holy mother of God, " Cedric said kneeling and kissing the ground. 

 He was such a drama-queen. Sam and Cameron did the same.

"Oh stop acting like wusssies three of you," Chris said rolling his eyes.
And for once I agreed with him.

"We didn't go that fast' Alex said.

"True that." I agreed.

"Not fast? I think I saw us passing China" Sam said in a annoying voice.

"Yo know what ! All of you can stay here and suck it. I'm going to go meet my husband." I snapped.

On the word husband, all of their eyes snapped over to me.

"We're coming !" they chimed in together.


I gasped at the mansion in front of me. It was as big as my house or maybe double. 

"Let's go pretty boy," Faith said with a smirk.

I followed her along with everyone to the front door. The nearer we got to the door we could make out a lot of commotion.There was a lot of screaming and shouting coming from inside.

"What the hell?!" Faith said equally confused ringing the bell.

Within two minutes the door opened revealing this hot looking girl. She had brown hair and big blue eyes. She was about 5'8. in height. When her eyes landed on Faith she started jumping up and down.

"Faith!" she kind of yelled jumping on Faith to hug her.

"Cory!" Faith greeted equally excited.

Ow! You squished me" a little boy standing between their legs said rubbing his head.

"Theo! what has the sexiest man in the world been up to !?" Faith replied picking him up.

"Fay-Fay" he replied hugging her.

"You know it's bad manners to ignore your favourite person in the world Cory" Alex said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Alex can't say I'm happy to see you cause that would be lying and my mum taught me not to lie." Cory said hugging Alex.

"Who are you?" the little kid asked looking at me.
But before I could answer Faith introduced us.

"This is Sam and Cameron They're my goofy friends"  she said pointing at them.

"Hey!" they protested simultaneously. She chuckled and continued, "This is Cedric. He's really cute and like a brother to me" Corey hugged them all.

I coughed trying to remind her of my presence as well.

"Oh, this is just Chris, "she said quickly.

Just Chris ? ! The shit. But before I could question her Cory opened her mouth.

"Wait. I hate him Chris !? The he's so annoying Chris?!"

"Yup that very one. Now why don't you introduce yourself?! Faith quickly said.

"On how rude of me! Please come in. I'm Corrianne but you can call me Cory. This is my younger brother Theo, he's just seven. I have—"  but she was cut off by the sound of the shattering of a glass coming from the kitchen.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now