Chapter 34

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" You're a king and I'm a queen and now we'll stumble through heaven."


I looked around our living room. Mum, Dad, Beth sat on one sofa, Cedric, Faith sat on a love seat and Alex and I sat on two chairs next to the love seat. Caleb sat in front of the semi-circle.

You could cut the tension in this room with a butcher knife.

Apparently, Caleb had come back from New Orleans yesterday and had something 'important' to tell us.

"Soo......why are we here?" I began the conservation trying to ease the tension.

"I have something to tell you..." he said nervously.

"We know that Caleb, that's why we're here," Cedric said trying to joke.

" Tori, you can come in." Caleb called out in a gentle voice.

My gasp matched everyone else's in the room as Toric entered. She was wearing a flower print flowy dress with her hair flowing down her back. A shy smile dominated her lips. But that's not what caught our attention. Our attention went to the big swollen belly of hers. She was pregnant.
Caleb quickly got up from the sofa and offered it to Toric. It was only after that she started to protest that she could stand Caleb gently pushed her on the sofa leaving no space for argument.
She rolled her eyes and then finally faced us.

"Hi," she spoke in a shy manner. The room was silent for an entire minute before everyone bombards her with questions simultaneously.

And that's how ladies and gentlemen you turn a living room into a fish market.

"Shut up !" someone yelled in the middle.

I turned around to find Faith standing one the love seat. "Let Caleb and Tori explain." saying this she sat down again. I mouthed a thank you when she caught my eye.

" as you can see I'm pregnant." Tori began but Caleb cut her off by saying.

"No Shit Sherlock."

Tori simply gave him a deadly glare which made him shut up or rather piss his pants.

"I'm pregnant with our child," she said pointing her finger between Caleb  and her.

Mom and Beth gasped. Faith was calm.

"And we're going to get married." Caleb concluded. The room was in silence are again before mom jumped up and yelled.

"Oh my god I'm going to become a freakin grandma ! I'm so happy for you."

Everyone started to congratulate the couple. Dad went and hugged Caleb patting him on the back. Cedric teased him, Alex hugged him and as for me before I could hug him Faith beat me to it.

She jumped on top of him and wrapped her feet around his waist. She hugged him before Tori spoke up in a joking manner.

"Hey hands off my man babe."

After the drama finally got over, I went out.

I had some really important work to do you see. Someone had sabotaged my picnic with faith and I intended to put that person back to his senses.

"Hey Mrs. Knight is Damon at home ?" I asked her as she opened the door to her house.

"Oh, he's up in his room and pleases Chris call me Casey. Mrs Knight Makes me feel old.

"Thank you." I replied before going upto Damon's room.

When I opened the door he was typing something on his mac.

"We need to talk." I declared shutting the door behind me. He looked up from the screen and a confused look overtook his face.

"Hey man what are you doing here ?" he asked shutting the mac.

"We need to talk" I repeated myself.

"Sure what about ?" I took a deep breath before firing the question at him.

"Why the hell did you sabotage my date with Faith ?"

"I did not...." he began but I cut him off.

"Don't play innocent with me Damon I know it was you." He stayed shut. Both of us just stared at each other.

'I did do it."

"Why ?"

"I have my reasons."

"Just tell me why Damon ? Are you in love with her? That's why you did it ?"

Damon just stood and thought for a moment and then he began.
"I do love her..." but I didn't let him finish the sentence and landed a punch on his jaw. He continued.


Punch 2.

"I love her like....."

Punch 3.

"For fuck sake with you let me finish the fucking sentence." Damon yelled clutching his nose. I stopped Punch 4.

"I do love Faith but like a sister. I care  about her well–being." A wave of relief washed over me.

"Then why did you destroy my picnic with her?"

"Can't you see Chris! You are not good for her !"

Now I was desperately trying to keep my anger under control.

"Who the hell are you to judge me ?" I finally yelled.

"Look, Chris, you've hurt her before and I have no guarantee that you won't do it again.

"But I won't ! I will not hurt her...." I began but he cut me off.

"You weren't there when she broke! You destroyed her ! Her heart shattered into a million pieces. And you were not there when she opened her eyes after being in two whole fucking weeks of coma. They say that the eyes are the windows to your soul, and her eyes looked so empty..... so lifeless. And I'm sorry but I can't let her be that way even again."

I could understand what Damon meant. He was right on his side but he was still no one to decide what happened in Faith's life.

"You can't make her decisions for her Damon It's her life and she decides what happens in it. "I said as a matter of fact.

"I know I can't but I'm still going to try to do whatever I can to prevent her from getting hurt. Even if I have to keep you away from her."

"But I'm not going to hurt her again. Why don't you get this simple fact.  I yelled losing my temper.

"Who is she to you anyway you both just become friends and it is not like you both are dating .........." Damon began but trailed off confused.

But his words hit a nerve. Who was Faith to me?

The answer was very simple she was my everything. She was the one who I thought about when I got up every morning. She was my light in the dark lifeless sky. She was the rainbow. I looked for after a rainy day.
And in that moment, I realised something which I should have realised a long time back. I was in love with Faith Clearwater.

I was in love with my best friend.

"I love her." I whispered not sure if Damon heard me or not.  But it seemed like he did.

"You what ?" he yelled so loud I bet China would have heard him.

"I'm in love with her." I said more loudly and clearly.

"You're not in love with her. You just think you're in love with Faith, or maybe you're in the idea of being in love. But you possibly can't be in love her" he began to ramble.

"Damon." He shut up when he heard me say his name.

"I'm 101% sure that I'm in love with Faith."

I knew it. I was so in love with that girl.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now