Chapter 5

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"You will love him to ruins."


I looked like a man who had not slept in a century cause I had not , well the night seemed like a century. But still. You get my point.

As I was saying, I couldn't sleep, the reason was —Faith. After finishing the food we watched another movie and then went over to sleep on the couch.

I took a shower and got dressed in lasts nights cloths, deciding to heat last nights food.
By the time the food was not everyone was up.

Sam : "Man I'm shit tired."

Alex : "Did we sleep while watching the movie?"

Cameron : "I want food."

Everyone grabbed a plate taking a big serving of last night's spaghetti and sitting on the island.

"Someone switch on the lights !" Sam said before pulling the curtains apart. But no one complained about the sudden light because the scene in front of us was much more important than the bloody light.

Luke's car was parked outside. He came out of the car and opened the door for Faith. I literally broke my glass looking at her condition.

She was wearing an oversized t-shirt and boxers. Her black heels were in her hands. Her long hair was a mess. She was wearing no makeup at all and she was carrying a small disposable bag in her other hand.
Luke looked as if he was on top of the world. All I wanted to do was punch him. Hard. My blood boiled, even more, when she kissed him before entering the house , with him.

All of a sudden voices echoed through the house. We curious people obviously eavesdropped.

"I had a great time last night . " Faith said.

"Me too. Hope we can do this again sometime ?" he asked.

"Sure. I'll text you. Bye"

"Bye oh and I'm sorry for the dress once again."

"It's okay. It was getting old anyways."



Sorry for the dress ? What did these people do yesterday night? As if mirroring my thoughts Cameron spoke up.

"What did these both do yesterday night?"

"No idea and I don't even want to know "Alen shuddered while Faith entered the kitchen in a very jolly mood , she was actually frolicking.

"Food !" she exclaimed before grabbing my plate since it was the only one which had any food left .

She took a bite and looked up when she realized that all of us were staring at her.

"What ?" she asked

"What did you do last night ? Sam asked.

She smirked. A sexy ass smirk, before answering.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Oh, and Chris will you be a dear and dispose of this for me. " she continued handing me the disposable bag and walking off.

"What the hell?!" were the first thing that came out of my mouth when I saw the contents of the bag.

The black dress she wore yesterday night was in shreds.

"Now we know what she did last night "Cameron muttered before grabbed the bag from me and throwing it in the bin.

A week later

It had been a weak since Cedric and I had been living with Faith and Alen. Alen had became really close with Sam, Cameron and me. Faith, I can't say the same about her. She was really moody this week. Every night she would make dinner, fill a plat for hearsay and take it up to her room.
Alen was really worried about her, neck even I was really worried. Alen loved faith dearly, he was really protection of her and I respected him for that Once I asked her if she was on her period and guess what answer I got she punched me on my face and let me tell you it left a bruise.

Today I was home alone. Faith left home at seven in the morning, Cedric was out with Julie and Alex went out to do go pick up some book.

The day wasn't sunny or pleasant. It was a gloomy day, the weather reporter said it was going to thunder today evening and he was correct it was already powering outside and the weather kept getting worse.

There was thunder and lighting Trees were breaking I was shocking that the electricity was still running, taking advantage of the situation. I decided to watch T.V.

Halfway through a new episode of Friends the front door opened and a socking wet faith dashed inside. Without saying a word she ran up to her room. I had no intentions of getting another bruise so I stayed put. The thunder kept getting worse every minute.

Another forty minutes later a very frantic cooking Alen came running in the house.

"Where's Faith ?!" he asked me. Worry was marked all over his face.

"Dude, What's wrong? Why do you look so worried?"

"Just tell me where's faith?"

"She came back house around forty minutes ago. She's in her room."

"Alone ?"

"Ya man, alone. Why what is wrong ?"

But without answering me Alex dashed up to the second floor to Faith's room only to find it locked.
He started knocking on the door and spoke in a very gentle wise.

"Faith can you hear me ? Please open the door."

But no sound of movement was heard.

"Please open the door faith. Just open it I can help you." he tried again but nothing seemed to work.

Losing his patience he banged his first on the door and screamed.

"Dammit Faith. Open the bloody door !"

"Alen what's wrong ?" I asked him actually getting concerned.

"Today is her mother's death anniversary. She went to the cementry to visit her, but she didn't know it was going to thunder. She has ASTRAPHOBIA. She's scared of thunder." he snapped.

How could I forget this day. That explained a lot of stuff her being moody throughout the week but she was never scared of thunder. Infact she loved when it hundred.

"But she was never scared of thunder" I asked confused.

"Well she got scared after the incident."


"Look Chris I don't have time to tell you"

But he was cut off by the ring tone of his phone. He quickly answered the call.

"Hey mom. Ya don't worry She's fine. She's sleeping." he smoothly lied.

"I'll call you back once she's awake promise" he ended the call before turning to me.

"Help me break this door."

And that's exactly what door I did we broke the door down within ten minutes keeping it aside we entered the room.

The sight in front of me was horrible. Faith was curled up in a corner of her room with her knees pressed against her body. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her eyes were blood shot.

"Faith, look at me"

Alex said in a pleading voice crouching next to her. Not knowing what to do I just stood near the door.
Faith turned her heard in the opposite direction.

"You're not alone, you have Mom, James and me."

Alex pulled faith onto his lap. She clutched his shirt and cried. When I thought she was actually getting better, our eyes met.

She looked sad, alone, vulnerable but the emotion which stood out the most was fear.

"No. No. No..........get him out get him out GET HIM OUT !" her voice sang throughout the house.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now