Chapter 4

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"And if my heart was a canvas, every inch of it would be painted over with you . "


When Alex and I came back home from practice Faith was not anywhere to be seen.

"Let's watch a movie" Alex suggested.

"Sure dude"

"I have some movies in my pen drive, let me get that. " saying this he went upstairs.

I decided to make some popcorn. While the popcorn was getting ready I grabbed a few packets of Doritos and some cans of coke.

"Hey, Alex do you mind if I Call Sam and Cameron ?" I yelled from downstairs.

"Ya go ahead !"

Within fifteen minutes the food was on the table, the movie ready to be played Alex and I waiting for the other two idiots to show up . Five minutes later even they arrived.

Sam : "Time to Party!"

Cameron : "Let's turn this area into a Bachelor pad !"

These were the lines spoken by them as soon as they entered the house. We played American Pie : Beta house and hogged on the food. Halfway through the movie Faith came downstairs.

"What's all the commotion about ?" a very sleepy Faith asked rubbing her eyes.

She was wearing a large oversized t-shirt which looked liked Alex and booty shorts below, which were barely visible. Her long hair was on top of her head in a bun. Those shorts were really distracting.

"Stop eye-raping my sister" Alex whispered snapping all of us out of our fantasy . Apparently, I wasn't the only one getting distracted.

"Nothing just having a guy's night. Were you sleeping ?" Alen asked her.

"Yes but now I plan on going out. I mean it's a Saturday and only eight."


Faith went to the kitchen and we continued our movie, but I couldn't concentrate on it anymore. All I could think about was Faith in those shorts and how good she looked.....Dude snap out of it !

The movie got over, but before we could put in another one Faith's angelic voice came from the kitchen.

"Boys, Dinner !"

A delicious aroma filled my nose. Sam moaned. Like literally moaned.

"What is that smell?" Cameron asked.

"It's Faith's famous spaghetti and meatballs. If you haven't eaten it you haven't lived."

And Alex was correct , when we entered the dining room the table was set with plates and cutlery. There was a big bowl of spaghetti in the middle with bread sticks and a jug of lemonade.

As soon as we sat down we filled our plate with the delicious dinner. Alex was correct once more. The food was awesome. I wish I had a never-ending pit in my stomach so that I could eat this for my entire existence.

When I looked at Faith to compliment her on the food, she looked kind of worried. She was playing around with the food on her plate.

"Hey, Faith is something wrong. You practically haven't even touched your food." I asked before I could change my mind.

"No, I'm fine. Plus why do you care?" she snapped.

"I....I-" but I was cut off by a very worried Alex.

"Faith please eat your meal " he said in a pleading voice.

"It's just that, I'm not hungry " she said in an equally pleading manner.

"Please. Just have half of what's on your plate."

She had two bites before pushing her plate away.

"I'm going to get ready" she said before walking off.

What just happened ? A thousand questions popped in my mind. But I didn't ask any of them. We ate the rest of the dinner in silence just enjoying the meal.

"This lemonade is really good" Sam said taking a sip but as soon as he took the sip he spat it out on Cameron who was unfortunately sitting in front of him.

"Holy shit" he said.

I turned around to see what the problem was and I found it pretty soon or rather her pretty soon. Faith was hopping on one foot trying to wear her other black heel. She was wearing a short, a really really short black dress. But it got worse when she turned around, the dress was backless. Her long ginger waves were straightened. She was wearing no makeup except blood red lipstick.

"Alex I'm going to the local pub with Luke. Most probably I'll be staying at his place tonight. Don't wait up ! "She finished before walking to the door.

But I wasn't going to let her go without asking a few questions.

"You're going out with luke ? Luke of all people !" I exclaimed.

"That's what I said"

By this time everyone was walking to the door along with her.

"And you're fine with it?" I asked pointing a finger towards Alex.

"Believe me, I've tried before and it did not go well."

"And you're going to wear.... that"

"It's my life Chris. I can wear, whatever I want" she snapped.

Before I could ask another questions the doorbell rang. Luke was standing there with a white rose.

"Hey" he said when he saw her.

"Hey" she replied.

"You look really pretty" he said taking her hand.

"You don't look so bad yourself. Now, gentlemen if you'll excuse us" she spoek directly to us before walking off.

She was halfway across the lawn before Alex called Luke back.

"IF my sister comes back home in any bad condition or in tears. You're a dead man."

Luke gulped then nodded before going back to his car. The way Alex threatened him send shivers down my spine.

I really hope that Luke becomes a dead man.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now