Chapter 23

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"I didn't want to fall in love at all. But at some point, you smiled and holy shit, I blew it."


"It's a stupid idea." Alex declared.

Chris was driving to Damon's house and I was face-timing with Alex.

"I agree" Cory muttered behind him.

"It's not !" Chris exclaimed from beside me.

"The last time you did this you landed your ass in jail and I had to bail you out !" he exclaimed.
"But I won't get caught this time. I promise." I whined.

"Faith, listen to me this inst-"

"On sorry Alex. I'm losing connection ! Will talk later. Love you loads. Bye Papa-Bear !"
I quickly ended the call before Alex could start lecturing me.

"You've been to jail?"Chris asked once I'd tucked my phone away.

"Yes haven't you ?"

"Um No."

"You've got to be kidding me !" I exclaimed.

"Why did you  go to jail anyway?"

"First answer my question. Why haven't you been to jail ?!"

"Geez. I'm sorry. It wasn't on my bucket list unlike you" he retorted sarcastically.

"Ha-Ha. You've so funny."

"Now you answer my question Why have you been to jail?"

"On. I broke into the empire state  building with speakers and went to the top floor. Okay, so when I say the speakers were really loud. I mean like sonic boom loud. So I placed the speakers on top of the building and blasted ' I don't fuck with you ' by Big sean and the entire city heard it!" I exclaimed with pride.

"You did not, " he said not believing me.

"O, I did. It's 100% true."

We parked outside Damon's place and walked to his porch in an all black attire. I was wearing black jeans and a black tank top and Chris was wearing  the same thing but with a t-shirt.

"Hey" I greeted him before entering,  Chris and him did that bro handshake thing I never get.

But as soon as I entered little hands were wrapping around my waist. I looked down to see Theo.

"Theo !" I exclaimed pulling him in my arms.

He giggled as I kissed his cheek.

"How come he get's so much of love, plus a hug and I'm stuck with a 'Hey' Damon exclaimed.

"Cause he's adorable."

"I bet all the girls I've fu......"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I hissed covering innocent Theo's ears.

Damon smirked. Chris laughed. I rolled my eyes. I tended to do that a lot around these guys.

"You need to leave now," Theo said hoping out of my hands.

"Why?" Chris asked.

Before Damon could explain what was happening the doorbell rang again. Macy stood there with a big smile on her face.

"Where's my favorite boy in the world ?!" she exclaimed.

"Here !" Theo yelled jumping into her arms.

No wonder he wanted us to leave.

"How come he's the pussy magnet in this family."  Chris asked turning towards Damon.

All you need is a little Faith #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now