Stranger - Chapter Three

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She didn't realize she had fallen asleep to the plane's lullaby when the sound of loud and angry voices greeted her a good morning. She struggles to get her bearings and make sense of her surroundings. Apparently someone didn't appreciate her falling asleep. With a grumpy face, she slips into her slippers and makes her way towards the open window, tying up her hair in a messy bun.

The sight that welcomes her wipes away any remnants of sleep she might have had. For down below in their garden, she sees Kuya Ryan and one of their regular customers Mr. Antonio holding a small kid between them while Ms. Jenny, the housekeeper appears to be questioning him. Her eyes grow the size of large teapots when she takes a good look at the kid. Without wasting a single breath, she runs down the staircase, taking two steps at a time and bolts out of the house at lightning speed.

With still being in her evening clothes and signs of drool evident on her face, coupled with hair flying out in every direction from her bun and breathless as if she had just finished running a marathon, she was a funny sight. But evidently, there were more serious matters to attend to.

She sees Ms. Jenny looking down at the kid with a stern expression on her round face.

'This isn't the first time is it? I'm sure you are behind on all the missing cans that Madame was worried about,' Ms. Jenny states in her signature matter of fact tone. She remembers how scared she was of her when Lola introduced Ms. Jenny as the housekeeper to her. She had accompanied her Lola when she came to visit her family abroad. She was hard to read with her stoic face and even after two whole months of spending here, she still squirmed under her gaze. It wasn't hard to imagine what the kid was feeling at that moment, tightly clutched by the older men

'Don't even think of denying it my boy. I am sure. Ryan, check his pockets,' she ordered. Her smile widens as sure enough bits of cheese, bread and some dry fruits were discovered.

'Today indeed is not your lucky day, son,' Ms.Jenny comments as the boy suddenly breaks into tears. 'Antonio, Ryan... Put him in one of the empty rooms and lock it. I will deal with him later.'

'Stop!' she cries and all eyes turn towards her, finally acknowledging her presence.

'Ms. Jenny, he wasn't taking it without permission. I allowed him.'

Ms. Jenny's eyes widens with surprise.

'What do you mean? So all this time it was you? You allowed our food to be stolen?' her voice dripping with disbelief.

'Ms.Jenny... Don't get me wrong. I just found him one day trying to nib something from one of the cartons. I... I just couldn't help feeling sorry for him. He's just a hungry kid, Ms. Jenny. I couldn't let him starve to death. It's not their fault that the country is on the verge of war. They don't deserve to be starved for something that's out of their hands.'

'It's none of our business what happens to the villagers, little girl,' grunts Mr. Antonio. She winces at his remark. 'The reason why your Lola is alive and breathing is because of the respect she commands. If the army even gets the slightest suspicious that she is helping the rebels, you can kiss this guesthouse goodbye.'

'Tito... how can you say he's from the rebels? Do you have any proof?' she asks him in return. No wonder she never liked him. Always found him cold and heartless for some reason.

'Little girl... All villagers are on the rebels' side. Trying to aid them in any way means you are one of them. These rebels are the reason why we are stuck in this mess in the first place. Their daydreams about revolution and change have made us the victims of this uncalled guerilla war,' he eyes her suspiciously 'Stop playing games, little girl. You aren't Robin Hood. You would only end up hurting your Lola. You are new here so you wouldn't know. But your Lola worked hard for where is now. Don't damage it. '

She could feel herself fuming at every single word he uttered. But she knew that showing her anger would only be a disadvantage to her at this moment.

'Thanks for the reminder, Tito. But don't worry, helping a hungry little kid won't ruin anything. As for rebels being the cause of war, well I never thought you would believe everything those biased newspapers try to shove down our throats. I deemed you more intelligent than that.'

She heard Kuya Ryan snickering as Mr. Antonio's eyes blazed with anger.

'And I suppose you know everything, little girl? Pretty rich coming from someone who isn't even from here. Ah... thanks for the laugh kiddo. You might have nothing to lose but we have a lot at stake here.'

He knew he had touched a nerve but she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. He was a nobody but you are the granddaughter of this house's owner, she reminded herself while taking deep breaths.

'We'll discuss my political views some other day Tito. For now let him go. You don't have any evidence about his whereabouts and I'm not going to let you hold him hostage just because you harbor a grudge against the rebels. And yes..', she adds when she sees him opening his mouth to raise an argument 'I'm sure Lola would be fine with it. When she returns from the chief's office with today's delivery I would be happy to tell her everything that conspired here. But for now, let him go,' she says in a stern voice.

But Antonio wasn't ready to listen and he tightens his grip on the kid, making him scream in pain.

'Tito, I respect and value you. You are our regular customer. But I cannot allow you to harm someone without any reason within the boundaries of this house. I'm asking you nicely one more time. LEAVE HIM ALONE.'

He eyes Ms.Jenny and Ryan but they remained expressionless. She was sure Kuya Ryan approved of her stance and as for Ms.Jenny... Well, she hoped she was on her side.

With no response, Antonio gives her one last look of complete disapproval and marches out of the garden, not leaving before giving the kid a slight smack on the head.

Seeing his retreating back, she lets out a deep sigh and then shifts her attention towards the others.

'You can go back to your respective jobs now. I'll make sure he reaches his home safe and sound'.

With nothing left to be said, they nod their heads and soon enough it's only her and the kid in the garden, who was busy massaging his body, tears streaming down his face.

His presence now made her realize exactly what she has gotten herself into. She had never been this fearless in her entire life. Even she was taken aback at the recent events.

The kid lets out a loud sob. She crouches on the ground so she can be on an eye level with him.

'Hey... there... There kiddo... It's all over... What's your name?' but the kid continues to look at the ground, ignoring her.

'After all what I just did to save your neck, you sure appear grateful,' she says to him sarcastically. She notices him taking a quick peek at her.

'Wanna try again kiddo? What's your name?'

'Ba... Baste...,' he mumbles in a small voice.

'That's your real name? Or what Bossing calls you?'

Baste's head suddenly snaps up, a look of pure astonishment on his chubby face.

She laughs.

'Oh my God, did you seriously think I wouldn't know you were one of them? Gosh... Give me some credit Baste. You stole from me 21 times and you thought I wouldn't recognize you?... Oh my... This is so hilarious,' she says after which she begins to snicker again.

'How... how', he stammers

'How did I know, you ask? Baste... Baste... My kiddo. Just because I'm new here doesn't mean I would turn a blind eye to everything. When I saw you from my room above, I knew you were the thief. Plus the rebel mark on your left elbow. It just confirmed everything.'

And sure enough a small black circle with a single white dot in the centre was inked on his arm. The symbol of revolution. Of change. Of prosperity. Of the light in the darkness.

Accountability. Advancement. Adaptability.

The symbol of Triple A.

'So Baste.. Buddy.. Care to explain why you would pay us a visit every other day?'

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