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They said that when one falls in love – love unconditionally. Maine tried. Despite her family history, she never gave up on hope and second chances, and saw the positive side of things. She never knew who her father was and she grew up having two mothers – her real one and her female partner – and she was always loved. They were the only family she ever knew. Her grandparents disowned her mother and even if the thought of it could be sad sometimes, she decided not to dwell on it.

And so, Maine thought that she fit perfectly for this job.

She was applying as a nanny.

This was more than a job for her because when you care for someone you don't know, it also required dedication. And she believed that she was the best candidate for the job. She has a heart so big, she could share it with anyone.

Maine glanced at the ticking clock, and then to the woman in front of her who was eyeing her curiously. She didn't know what was interesting in her to deserve such scrutiny: her hot pink heels, her orange sundress or her newly-highlighted red brown hair. She smiled at her interviewer. She should get this job. Not only because she had an experience on it, but she also had to pay her dues or else, she would end up in the streets. This house, where she went for an interview, screamed opulence. She was already calculating how much she would earn and save if she gets this job.

She looked around the home office. It annoyed her that the place was dark and gloomy. The curtains were drawn and she has a feeling that the maids were having a hard time trying to dust off all the things in this place.

Her quiet observation was interrupted when the woman cleared her throat. "You seemed to be very passionate about colors." Mrs. Faulkerson said.

"Colors add meaning to life," she replied before she could stop herself. She was aware that the woman was wearing a black dress. Mrs. Faulkerson was probably mourning, judging from how she dressed up.

To her surprise, the woman chuckled. "You know, I think I agree with you." She stared at Maine for a moment before standing up.

Maine watched as Rose Faulkerson set the curtains aside. Sunlight instantly brightened the room and she realized how beautiful the home office was. To her left, there was a wall full of books, causing her eyes to widen like a child on Christmas morning. She loved books and there was nothing more than she could wish for but to stay in the library for hours. To her right was a wall with a large display of certificates and badges from someone in the military. There were family photos as well. She was curious and she wanted to take time to look at each of those but it felt like invading the privacy of this family. She turned back to Rose.

"I'm going to hire you but you have to know that you will be under probation for six months. If you want to continue with your job, we will talk again after six months for an assessment." Rose gave her a document. It's an employment contract. They started discussing her salary, which was going to be a generous one as expected, as well as the living conditions. Mrs. Faulkerson wanted her to stay in the mansion to look after her son.

Maine skimmed the contract and she thought that the offer was good. They both came into an agreement but before she signs the contract, Rose wanted to show her the job description first.

Rose said that it was at the second level of the house. Maine quietly followed upstairs as the elder woman stopped in front of a large door. She watched Rose take a deep breath and turned the knob.

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