Moonlight Sonata - Mezzo Piano

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Finally back to the place that has always been haunting him like a shadow; a place he used to reside but wanted to escape from: the town that gave him memories of agony that could equate to his years of happiness.

He used to walk through town with childlike wonder, unaware of what life would present; an innocence that wishes for happy ever afters. But innocence can be erased by a reality that is bittersweet and the comfort familiarity provides can be a stranger in an instant.

He used to escape, but now he is back.

How ironic

He looks through town and notices that nothing changed. He felt like he was warped back to a time where everything is what it is supposed to be; a time in which he used to trap himself with.

"Oops, sorry!"

He looks at the child who was smiling warmly at him. At least there is still hope. His eyes follow the child who is running towards the store he loved a long time ago; the only place which he could deem as his safe haven.

The bell dings and he sees the all too familiar person he cares about, the person that provided him with comfort when he doubted himself; the person that would always be there no matter what.

"Maria! Don't pick on the bread. I'll give you some later, only if you behave."

"But, I wanted to give Mama the fresh one. You always give me the ones you start to throw away."

"I do not, child. I give you the ones straight from the oven, only if you behave. Now sit, or I'll tell your Mama how naughty you are today."

The child called Maria pouts the same way he did when she reprimands him; that fond memory made him chuckle.

"Still making children cry, Rosa. You never change."

Rosa looks over at the sound of the voice and her eyes well up in tears. That beloved face, now a decade older is looking at her with fondness that made her heart melt. He still hasn't changed.

"Who is he, Gramma Rosa?" The child asks her and looks at the man who was smiling back at her. "Oh wait, aren't you the one who I bumped into a while ago? I'm sorry, please don't tell Mama."

He laughs, a welcome sound; one that Rosa did not hear from him often all those years ago. "RJ, you're back. Are you back for good?" She asks, hoping; wishing it was true.

"I suppose, I am" RJ looks at Maria and smiles "So you are Gramma Rosa's new apprentice; nice to meet you, princess." He winks at her "Try to be patient, she might be stern but she loves you."

"I know." Maria smiles bashfully and grabs the bread she was picking earlier. "You won't sell this anymore, I touched it. Thank you Gramma, I'll be back tomorrow!" She says as she hurriedly scrambles out of the store before the elder woman would start to berate her.

"That child!" Rosa says while shaking her head.

RJ laughs and stops as the elder woman glares at him "Not an hour back and you're already unleashing THAT glare. Give me this day, Gramma. Aren't you happy I'm back"

"She even mimics the way you say Gramma. It's GRANDMA, child."

He smirks at her "Sot that's why you allow her loitering around your shop. You miss me."

The elder woman just shakes her head, she missed this child and she's glad that he's back home where he belongs.

"You know your way around the storage room, right? Why don't you use your strength and try to help out an old woman?" She looks at him in anticipation.

RJ could only laugh at her "You never change and this is what I love about you." He laughs at her only to be met by her infamous glare. "Alright, alright. I'm going"

This bread shop has always been his comfort zone. The way it smells in the mornings; how people rush about and the warm smile Gramma Rosa gives everyone who visit her shop on a daily basis. And being in this cramp storage room like how it was all those years ago gave him the memories that he missed; that he still misses.

"RJ, are you alright?" The elder woman calls out to her once apprentice.

"I am."

The elder woman smiles at the thought of her adopted grandson rummaging through the storage room. Just like the old times. He has always been clumsy and she always took pleasure in reprimanding him as she rewards him later on a job well done; a never-ending cycle for years. Her heart broke when he decided to leave; when her love for him could not fill the hole in his heart. But all she could do is let him fly, hoping and whishing that he comes back home.

And, indeed he came back; to the place where he belongs.

The bell dings and she looks up "Maine..." the younger lady looks at her and nods. Rsa smiles at her and Maine looks at her like she always has, expressionless. "Do you want the usual?"

Maine looks at her and nods "Yes, please. The usual"

The elder woman hurriedly gathers everything and hands it over to her. "Hope you come back soon, Maine. Always remember that I'm here if you need anyone..."

Maine could only nod at her in recognition as she exits the shop.

The child must be lonely was all Rosa could think about.

"Gramma...I'm done." RJ tells her out of nowhere which startled her.

"Child, you will be the death of me. Don't ever creep on me like that, ever again."

RJ could only smile at her "Well, I'm done for the day, Gramma"

"Where are you going?"

RJ could only look at her, a shadow of a smile forming as he pauses while he was about to exit the shop. He looks at the elder woman, smiling but not quite; a smile that couldn't reach his eyes.

"I'm going to visit them..."

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