Stranger - Chapter Eleven

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She quickly grabs some meat and wraps it up in some paper. Next, she puts it one of the cotton bags she's taken from one of the kitchen cabinets which is already filled to the brim with other eatables. She places the meat, ties the bag and picks up the second bag which has the items he had requested.

Quiet as a mouse, she inches towards the front door. Reaching it, she stops in her tracks and surveys the household. All rooms had their doors closed. Even the living rooms and the porch lights were turned off. Thanking the heavens above, she scurries towards the shed.

'Did anyone see you?' he asks in a whisper taking her completely by surprise.

'What on Earth are you doing here outside. Do you have a death wish? What if someone sees you?'

'It's pitch black Newbie. And nobody in their right minds would be out here on this cold night.'

'It's almost dawn Knucklehead. Did you lose your eyesight too when you got hit?'

'Less chatter. More work. Now did you pack everything I asked you to?'

'Yes, Master. All your essentials are in that big bag. In the small one, I have packed some food for your journey. There's some canned food, meat, bread and other small items. No need to thank me.'

'I wasn't going to. On the contrary, you have created a new problem. Now I have to manage two bags.'

'Ungrateful till the end, I see. But then again old habits die hard.'

'I could say the same for you too Newbie. Still full of yourself like the first time I met you.'

She ignores him since it's no use. He always likes to get the last word.

'Do you think Lola suspects we are doing this? I swear if she does, it's not because of me. I told her you had fallen asleep soon after you finished your dinner. Just like we had planned...'

'Calm down Newbie. She's a wise old owl. I think she knew the second she left the room that I would not listen to her. This isn't the first time I'm going away like this. But with a wound like this, then yes.'

'She's going to kill me'

'She wouldn't. Even if she does, I'll explain everything.'

'You do realize that you need to come back alive and breathing from whatever mission Bossing is sending you off to actually do that?'

'So you don't want me dead?' he cocks his eyebrow at her.

'Lo has already lost so many people. I don't want her to suffer more.'

'And here I thought you were going to miss me,' trying to act all hurt.

'In your dreams Knucklehead. I am going to enjoy the peace and quiet. You have no idea how much trouble you are.'

He lets out a guffaw, his dimple appearing on his handsome face.

'Keep fooling yourself Newbie,' he retorts while transferring the bags to his shoulders.

'Can you for once just not call me that?' she ignores his remark.

He quietly looks at her with his deep brown eyes and slowly lowers himself to her level. She nervously gulps.

'What do you want to be called then, Love?'

'Why you... little,' she shouts as he dodges her attack and runs behind one of the tall trees.

'What are you doing, little girl?'

Oh Lord! What is he doing here, she thinks to herself as she turns to face the devil.

'Nothing Mr. Antonio,' she says cheerfully while slowly edging towards the tree. It's going to be hard for him now to escape without notice.

'Don't lie to me little girl... I heard you talking... Specifically to a male voice...'

'You must have heard it wrong. I sometimes talk to myself. Old habit,' she replies to him lamely as she thinks of some way to make him leave.

'You can't fool me. I saw his running figure...' a devilish smile decorates on his face. 'He's behind that tree right?'

She was now practically sweating.

'You were talking to one of the rebel boys, no?' he takes a step closer.

'No I wasn't,' helplessly racking her brain for some excuse.

'Then who were you talking to?'

' He's my boyfriend.'

Wait.. what?

Even Mr. Antonio lets out a laugh.

'That's all you can think off? HA.. Step aside girl,' and with one swift move, he's right behind the tree.

She follows him quickly and both exclaim in surprise.

Cause right in the middle of the trunk, an R and N were carved in a heart with a rose lying at the bottom, with no sight of him.

'See.. Now you have scared him away,' she scolds him, playing along.

'I.. I... Ugghhh,' he grunts and leaves the garden. He missed yet another chance to get the reward.

As soon as he leaves, she glances everywhere. Did he manage to escape? Is he going to be alright? When will he be back? Questions race through her mind as she prays for his safe return.

She meant it when she said she didn't want Lo to suffer. She had seen it with her very own eyes how much she adores him. It would be cruel if he's taken away from her too.

But he wasn't wrong. She was going to miss his troublesome self. For the first time in two months, she was with someone of her own age group. Even though she loathed him, it felt good to finally be who she was. Maybe when he returns back, they can talk about Faye too without him getting angry. Their Dads were brothers. They could at least be civilized acquaintances.

She picks up the rose he had snatched from the bush to help her. He must have heard her calling him a boyfriend. She could very well imagine the mischievous smile that must have appeared on his fair face upon hearing that remark. Thank the Lord he didn't have the time to taunt her about it. She felt embarrassed even by just thinking about it.

Her heart was singing a different tune though as she traces their initials.

She wonders how he had managed to plant that false evidence and escape as well. How did he leave anyway?

He must have climbed up the wall and gone up the road that leads straight towards the fence. She had to admit, he must be pretty good to achieve all that in mere seconds.


What if...

He had carved those..He was already standing outside when she came.. He didn't actually....

Get a grip ! she scolds herself. Of course he did it to mess with your head. He must be grinning from ear to ear about this now, satisfied he made your heart flutter... Ugghh!!

Wait till he gets back. She's going to give him an injury he'll never recover from.

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