Stranger - Chapter Ten

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The next few days passed in a blur. The rebels were still attacking with more force and the government was still helpless against them. The rebellion had started from their district but it was slowly spreading to other areas as well.

Her Lola couldn't escape the people in the house with the curfew now even more severe so it was her duty to take care of him. It was a good thing she didn't use to mingle around much before. They don't miss her much.

The times she used to spend in the garden, now are used of taking care of him. She had learned how to change bandages. And every day she would come to this room and follow a rough routine. She would first change his clothes then his bandages and clean his wound. Then from her trusty medical kit, she would apply some medicine and put on fresh bandages. Lola had some of his clothes lying around so they use them even though they are too small for him now. Next she would try to wake him up and let him swallow some soup so he could take some medicines. He hadn't fully recovered from his injury and with the added effects of the tonic, he sleeps a lot.

At times, she would be busy reading a book after finishing up with her 'chores' when she would hear him mumble in his sleep. Sometimes he calls out for Faye, his parents.. Even Baste.. Other times he suddenly starts to scream. When he did that once, she thought she would die. They were filled with so much grief and despair, it was torture to hear him. No matter how she had tried to calm him down, he didn't wake up. He just fell silent suddenly. Maybe the bad dream had ended.

He must have nightmares like her too. Only more severe and tragic. This young boy went through so much in life and if things go the way they were going, he would only suffer more.

When she opened the passageway to the room, she thought it was going to be a typical day. But it wasn't.

As soon as she came down the last step, she saw him watching her like a hawk with no signs of sleep.

'What are you doing here?' he asks her in a raised tone.

'Excuse me?'

'I asked you Newbie, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?' he bellowed

She knew he must be confused with everything, so she tries to remain calm.

'I'm here to change your bandages and give you medicine.'

'Where's Lola?'

'Lo is upstairs with the guests. She cannot come herself so she sent me instead.'

'You can go back. I'll wait for her.'

'And why would I do that?'

'Cause I told you so, NEWBIE. You better listen.'

'No, you listen here Mister. You are in no position to dictate me what to do.'

'Oh really?' he raises his eyebrows, clearly enjoying all this. 'Why would that be Newbie?'

'Stop calling me that name...' she shrieks.

'What newbie?.. NEWBIE..NEWBIE..NEWBIE!'


She didn't know what happened but she suddenly found herself clutching his shirt.

'You should be grateful Knucklehead. I have been feeding you and changing your bandages every single day since you died there on our garden... This shirt you're wearing... I have been changing them and washing them every day...'

'And I presume enjoying the view as well,' he smirks when he spots her ears going all red. She lets go off him immediately.

'Making snarky remarks won't change the fact that you are an ungrateful person,' she tries to cover up her embarrassment. Never had she thought about his body while doing all those stuff. Why was she letting him get to her?

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