Part 2

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*Logan and Rory arrive at the Huntzburger house at 6pm sharp and knock o the door*

Honor answers the door and asks "So what's the big news" and then see's Rory behind Logan and says "are you and Rory back together?"

Now now Honor you have to wait for the announcement's at dinner with a big smile on his face.

Logan, Honor and Rory walk into the sitting room and say hello to Elias, Shira, josh and Mitchum, Rory sit's and Logan asks if he can get anyone a drink, while he pours Rory a club soda and himself a scotch

Mitchum asks, So Logan why do you have us all here, what's so important and why is Rory here?

Shira say's Please don't tell us you called off your wedding to Odette and ran off and married Rory.

No mother, I didn't marry Rory.... Yet we aren't even engaged, We are here to tell you something.

*Logan Looks at Rory and she nod's"

Mom, Dad, Grampa, Me and Rory are expecting a child.

*They look at Logan and Rory in shock*

How? When? Did you just call her the minute you ended it with Odette and she flew to you and got pregnant.

Honor squeals in excitement, I'm going to be an aunt!!!!

No, We ran into each other just over a year ago in Hamburg and we started to talk and see each other more often, she decided she couldn't keep going this route with me so she said goodbye to me but i decided i needed to see her one more time, So I flew to Hartford and we had a good time. We got into the moment and forgot to use the proper precautions, I don't know maybe I wanted her to have my baby subconsciously because I didn't love Odette and I wanted out of the loveless relationship.

Elias yelled "No, we cant have her keeping this baby it will ruin the Huntzburger name."

Grandpa I don't care what you say we are keeping this baby and raising it together.

Shira says "We will need to figure out how to keep the affair out of the press, Maybe we can say that after you found Odette cheating you decided you needed to go back home and you ran into Rory the long lost collage love and ended up producing a love child"

*Logan and Rory look at each other, then look at his family*

So your ok with this?

Yes, What has been done cant really be undone but we can make it appear better to the press.

*Elias, Mitchum and Shira all agree that's how they will present this to the press.*

Well that's settled, Now lets have dinner and enjoy the rare family dinner.

*Logan and Rory go into the entry way of the Huntzburger family home and he help's her put her coat on before they leave*

Well Logan, I can actually say that was the first time I had a good dinner in the Huntzburger home.

Logan laughs and says "It went better then I expected, I thought world war 3 was going to start"

*Logan rubs Rory's tiny non visible baby bump and kisses her*

Logan and Rory get to where they are meeting the guys and Rory stays back while Logan goes in to find the guys to surprise them with the news, They look at him and ask wheat the news is

*Logan calls out "Honey come here" and Rory comes walking in and the boys are ecstatic to see her and jump up to give hugs and kiss's to say hello*

Fin says "So Logan you and Rory are back together"

Logan says "Yes"

Colin Asks "How did this happen?"

Logan says "Well it all started that night at the inn you bought Colin, It turns out it was a very magical night. I went home to Odette to call off the wedding because i couldn't get Rory of my mind but i found her in bed with another man so I didn't need to break it off, Then Rory two days ago called me out of the blue and told me some news and i had to fly in right away too see her"

Robert asks "So what was the news?"

Well Rory and I are expecting a baby and it was conceived at the Inn.

*Finn, Colin and Robert look shocked but happy*

So Colin say's "I have a reason not to sell the inn now, My baby niece or nephew was conceived in it, That's amazing news"

Finn says "Rory your bringing the next generation of LDB into the world"

Rory looks at them all and smiles and says "It's not like the adventures have to stop, me and Logan just need to be careful and not get hurt"

*They all decide they need to celebrate the new life being brought in to this world*

Finn says " i want to make a toast, to the next generation, may they have as much fun as we have in life"

*they all get into the car and start driving, they call up a bunch of their friends and tell them to meet them at the marina and decide to go for a short boat trip on logans family yacht to hang out and when they get to the boat they find about a dozen people ready to party, they all get onto the yacht and sail out a bit*

Logan calls everyone's attention, Well as you all can see i have the beautiful and amazing Rory here with me again, and you have all probably guessed we are back together, but we have more news, We are also here to celebrate that we are expecting a baby.

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