Part 19

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10 day's have passed since Logan and Rory brought Finley home July 26th

Logan and Rory have gone to the hospital every day to visit Finn and Stephanie, She's held on the two weeks they needed her to keep the baby in, So Tomorrow she is going to be induced, So Rory and Logan decide that they will skip going to visit them at the hospital today and just go see them once the baby has been born so Stephanie and Finn can enjoy their last night as two before they become a family of 3. Logan and Rory where lucky they got that last night of being alone and relaxing before Finley was born.

Around 5pm Logan gets a call from Finn

"Hey mate, It turns out my baby doesnt want to wait till tomorrow to come, Stephanie is in full on labor"

"We will back Finley up and head right on over"

"Hey mate, Can you do me a favor and call the boy's and tell them, I should really get back in the room she's calling for me"

"Ya man, No problem what's a brother for"

Logan call's Colin and Robert to notify them that Stephanie is in labor and close to giving birth

'Well boy's Finn need's us if we can be at the hospital, This is not a drill" He laughs.

The 6 of them arrive at the hospital around 6pm

Finn comes out into the waiting room to update everyone on Stephanie's progress

"She going to start pushing in a few minutes so I should get back in there"

Finley Start's getting a bit fussy and Rory realizes It's time too feed him. So she casually Puts a receiving blanket over her shoulder while she position's finley to latch to her nipple, After 5 minutes she decides it's too hot to keep the blanket over finley like that, so she pulls it off to expose herself breast feeding Finley and show's no embarrassment that she has done so.

Logan Just smile's Knowing that she truly feel's comfortable feeding their son in front of their group.

Robert smirks and jokingly say's "Rory, this is the most skin I have on you while sober, even after our date"

Colin Laugh's and say's "Oh sexy momma, just doesnt care who see's her son's face panted into her breast" and laugh's

The girl's just shrug it off because they know it's not a big deal, They have for the most part at one time see each other naked over the last 14 years.

Finn Comes out of the delivery room at 6:45pm

"I'm a father!!!"

Logan asks "so when can we see them?"

"Once they have cleaned the baby up a bit and Stephanie is ready in about 15 Min"

"Ok when she's ready for us all come get us, We cant wait to meet him or her"

"Will do"

They all debate amongst them self's about what they think the baby is and how big the baby was

Finn Come out and tells them "Ok she is ready and baby is cleaned up Come on back and meet my baby"

The 7 of them walk into Stephanie's recovery quietly so they dont wake the baby.

"So, boy or girl? We need to know if Fin is stalking up on sports equipment or shit gun's" Logan say's and everyone laugh's

Finn Announces Baby girl Named

Lorelai Lynn Fellows,

9lbs 4oz,

born at exactly 6:40pm

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