Part 27

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The next morning November 27th

Rory and Logan woke up Relaxed, Refreshed and Ready for the last thing Logan had planned before they went home to their beautiful son. They didnt bother getting dressed because Logan had told her that they where getting an in suite couples massage, So they stayed in they robes while they had their breakfast and coffee.

Once room service cleared the cart the massage therapist's arrived and set up for the 90 min long session. Rory wasnt ready to go home yet she wanted more of Logan but she missed Finley so much and she knew he probably missed her too.

"Hey Mom, We are back"

"So did you have a good time?"

"Yes it was a great surprise"

"So was the sex good"

"Mom.I'm not talking to you about this"

"Why not, your married, I'm married and we are all adults, I'm not stupid I know why you went to a hotel"


"Fine, I would have told you about my anniversary if you asked"

"Well mom there's a difference between us, I know shocking.. I don't ask you about your sex life, I know you have one and I'm fine with that but details not so into knowing"

"Hey you're a miniature copy of me, Your my mini me.."

"Yes mom but like you I don't want to talk to my mom and compare our sex life's."


Logan just stand's back holding Finley watching mother and daughter banter back and forth like it's a sport, Well it is for them at least.

"I'm not ready to give my grandson back, We where just having fun"

"We could all go for lunch if your hungry and you can spend more time with Finley before you have to head back" Logan said

"Really? That would be cool, Then I guess after lunch I will go home, I'm sure my guy is missing me by now"

"Ya I'm sure he was missing you last night, You had been in the same bed together every night since he moved in year's ago"

"Oh if he missed me last night he knows I will make it up to him in a big way tonight" Lorelai said

"Ewwww mom I didn't need to know"

"I know I just like watching you squirm"

"Like mother like daughter" Logan said while looking at Rory with an eyebrow raised

"Hey you don't look at me like that" Rory said

They go to lunch at the new restaurant a few blocks away that is all fresh food, Rory know's her mom wont really eat too much but she's also getting back at her mom for the comment she made about making it up to Luke. Plus ever since Rory found out she was pregnant Logan had her eating better more often so she became used to it, She still ate all the other junk but in moderation. Once they finished lunch Rory looked at her mom's plate too see the monstrous salad bowl empty. Thats not like Lorelai

"Well I guess I'm off back to the hollow, I'm going to miss you three"

"Mom we will be coming out this weekend don't worry"

"But that's so long away"

"It's 4 day's away"

"Ya exactly 4 day's I have to wait to see my grandson again"

"Goodbye mom"

"Goodbye loin fruit, Loin fruit's Husband and Loin fruit of my loin fruit"

"Mother stop stalling"


Logan and Rory walk back to their house and discuss what they are going to do with the rest of the day.

"So what do you want to do at home?"

"Well I know I want to empty my breast's, They are starting to over fill"

"Well I guess we will feed Finley first" Logan says with a chuckle

"Ya that's the idea lol"

"So you pump and I bottle feed him?"

"Ya that sound's good, You should also call the boy's and see if they want a guy's night with you"

"Wont you get bored?"

"No, I can hang out with Finley, Write some, Maybe do an article or two""

"Are you sure?"

"It was my idea remember"

"Oh ya"

"Just be responsible enough to be able to work tomorrow"

"Always, I'm a father now I need to be an adult and provide for him" Logan laughs

Logan and the guy's get together for dinner and have a good old poker game in one of the rooms Finn secured for them and talk about their wife's, Kid's and work.

"Hey Mate how was the Anniversary with no baby duty" Finn asks

"It was good, Had dinner, Fed each other the fruit and marshmallow's, Drank champagne, slept, got a couples massage"

"Oh you have to be skipping detail's" Colin say's


"Oh the sex was that good eh" Robert say's

"You have no idea"

"Where did you do it, We all know the bed isn't your forte" Robert say's

"Easier question would be where didnt we"

"Oh over the whole suite I'm taking it" Finn say's

"Oh how wild" Colin say's

"Not much sleep in taking it" Robert asked

"No, I was to busy carrying her from spot to spot" Logan said

"God, that sounds fun" Robert say's

"I'm taking it there isn't much going on the home front Robert?" Logan asked

"No, she's always so tired by the time we get alone time" Robert said

"Trust me, It does get better" Logan assured Robert

"I sure hope so, I hope to have even 1/4 of you and Rory's sex life before I have another kid"

"Well can you blame me for having the sex life I do? In my eyes I have the most Sexy, Smart, Hard working, Motivated, Adventurous and sexually charged wife, Who not only encourages me but push's and challenges me to be a better person, who also whole heartedly loves me as much as I love her"

"Well I will say you have an amazing relationship, You always have, and I'm jealous of it sometimes, But then I look at my wife and daughter and forget about what you have and enjoy what I have" Robert say's

"Me and Rory's relationship is a 1 in a billion kind of relationship"

The guy's call it a night after 2am, 4 bottles of scotch and a dozen women trying to get them to buy them drinks/get them to cheat on their wife's or as one girl said "Forget your married for an hour with me". They didn't realize till now how different their life's truly where, Back in collage they would have jumped on that opportunity in a heart beat, But now they would rather die for their wife's and kid's then do anything that could hurt them.

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