Part 28

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26 days later December 23rd

Logan, Rory, Finley, Lorelai and Luke are all at the Huntzburger property in Martha's vineyard to celebrate Christmas, Lorelai and Luke loved spending Finley's first Christmas as a family.

"Logan your dad's not going to come storming in here freaking out because you didnt do what he wanted you to do is he" Lorelai poked at him

"No, He knows I'm here spending Christmas with you, He's actually the one who said we should spend Christmas with you"

"Your dad was ok with not seeing his grandson on his first Christmas?"

"Ya, he has other grand kid's but you only get 1 first grandchild first Christmas"

"Wow, Sounds like he's changed"

"Ya between me finally being happily married, Finley and me taking the company over shortly hes really softened a bit"

"You mean his ice heart is melting? What did hell freeze over?"

"MOM" Rory says

"No really it's ok Rory, Ya hell must be freezing over and sending the heat up here to melt my dad's ice heart" Logan says with a chuckle

"Luke I'm glad to see you brought warmer clothing this time" Rory said with a snicker

"Well I learnt my lesson, I still have most of the Martha's vineyard stuff I got that year" Luke said

The next morning December 24th

Logan, Rory and Finley where up early so they drove to the bakery up the street and got everyone some pastries and Logan made pancakes and coffee for breakfast, As Logan finished making the huge stack of pancakes Lorelai and Luke came out to join them for breakfast.

"Good morning come join us for breakfast I just finished making everything so it's all still got, we also have some hot pastries over there if you want them" Logan said

"Well aren't you the sweet man making breakfast for your in-law's" Lorelai said with a chuckle

"It's not a big deal you're our guests and I was cooking anyways and since Luke cooks for a living he would love to have a break from cooking for the both of you" Logan said happily

"Well thank you for thinking of us" Luke said

"Hey youre a better family to me then my own, It's my honor to even be accepted into your family" Logan said with a smile

Logan took Luke aside and asked if he and Lorelai did Christmas eve present's along with Christmas day present's because he didnt know if he should have a present ready for Rory. Luke confirmed only Christmas day present's.

They spent all day Christmas eve doing the Gilmore tradition's and making a non traditional dinner.

Logan and Rory baked Christmas cookie's to decorate later and strung popcorn and cranberry's to hang on the Christmas tree, sang Christmas song's and had a lot of fun. Their non traditional dinner was consisted of Lobster, Corn on the cob, Mashed potatoes, salad, ham and assorted veggie's.

Once they sat at the table they began to talk about new year's plan's

"So, Do you two have any plan's for new year's this year?" Lorelai ask's Logan and Rory

"We have to make an appearance at the office new year's party but other then that I think we are going to stay in and enjoy out first new yeas with Finley" Logan answered

"Oh you both must be over joyed to have to go to a boring obligated office party" Lorelai say's sarcastically

"Oh ya so overjoyed to be obligated to yet another Huntzburger party" Logan said sarcastically

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