Part 13

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The next morning

Everyone slept at Logan and Rory's house last night with all the shock that happened they really wanted to be close to each other. They all woke up and went for breakfast and then headed straight for the clinic.

Juliet and Robert went in first, They came out with an order for blood work to be 100% sure but the dr. said it looks like it would be very early on if she was pregnant. She is crying again saying "I cant do this, This cant be happening, They are going to disown me" and Robert holds her child up and say's "Yes WE can do this" It calm's her a little bit but she say's If she's not married she will be cut off. Robert tells her that He would never let that happen.

Rosemary and Colin went in next, They came out with a 100% positive, They both had a little smirk on their face, they where happy.

Logan and Rory looked at each other after what Robert said to Juliet, As if to say does that mean he will marry her if she was pregnant so she wont get cut off and disowned? They also looked at each other when Colin and Rosemary came out smirking, as if to say they are happy about this news.

Rory and Logan set up a plan, The girl's would go do some shopping therapy and pick out nursery things for Baby Huntzburger, and the guy's would go to the club for a cigar and drinks. And together they will get the low down on what this all mean's.

Rory talk's to rosemary and asks how she really feel's about this and she admits she is kind of happy but terrified that Colin will run away and he has every right since they are only sleeping together, No string's attached.

Rory calm's her and say's "So what if he run's you still have Me, Logan, Finn and Stephanie, We can all go threw pregnancy and raising our babies together, and if Colin did run he would be a damn fool to leave his child and you."

It Cheered her up a lot.

The other 3 girls talked to Juliet, and asked her how she felt about possibly being pregnant other then what her parents would do. She said "I would love to have a baby now I dont have much more time before I may not be able to have kids but I also know Robert doesnt want kid's and he would never fully be with me" Rory tell her how she first felt when she found out she was having Logan's baby " I was terrified, I didnt know if I was even going to keep him, never mind how I was going to tell Logan he was going to have a baby with his ex girlfriend who he had an affair with, I for sure thought I would be either raising this baby on my own or giving him up for adoption, But Logan really stepped up in ways I didnt think he would ever do, and now look I'm married to the man"

Stephanie say's " Hey look at who I'm having a baby with Finn who we all thought would never date a single person at a time never mind father a child and if he did he wouldnt be around, But even he surprised me we are together exclusively and we are going to have this baby and raise it together."

Rosemary say's "Hey I'm having a baby with my friend with benefit's, who I know isn't ready for a child but he seems to be taking this very good, So you never know maybe you will be surprised and he will raise the baby with you or even marry you so you dont get disowned and cut off"

Logan talks to Colin and Robert at the same time and straight up asked them "What do you think about being a father"

Colin admitted he was happy to find out he's going to be a dad, It makes him realize he could be happy with a baby and a girlfriend and he really likes rosemary.

Robert said "Well I wasnt planning on ever having kid's but now that there is a chance I'm going to be a dad, I fell protective and like I would do anything for Juliet and our baby if she is really pregnant, I would even marry her really quick so her family wouldnt know she got pregnant before she got married, I would hate to be the cause of so much pain in her life, they would disown her and I couldnt let that happen, I actually kind of hope that she is pregnant, If she is pregnant I want to propose to her right away"

Logan Look's at Finn, Colin and Robert and say's "Welcome to the daddy's club boy's, we are bring up the next generation of trouble maker's"

The 8 of them get back together and Juliet goes to get her blood work done

Rory and Logan go sit off in a corner and compare notes on what they dug up. They are both happy with what the results are.

2 days later

Juliet and Robert go to the clinic to find out the result's of the test. It's positive she is pregnant, Now they are going over to Logan and Rory's house where everyone is sitting to wait to hear the new's if their groups of 8 is going to become 12 or 11.

Robert and Juliet walk in, holding hands and join the rest of the group

Colin say's "So, what was the results?"

"Positive" They both say as Juliet starts to tear up again and Robert tells her he will make sure everything will be ok.

Juliet and the girls go off into the house, to go look at what Rory has done to the nursery so far, The guy's say they are going to walk to the store and ask if the girls would like anything, They are really sneaking off to the closest open jewelry store so Robert can buy Juliet a ring to propose with.

When the guy's get back they head off onto the patio and set up a plan on how Robert is going to do this. The four of them put their excellent party planning to good use and figure it out.

They call the girls onto the patio and ask if they want to go out and have a good time. The girls agree but ask what the plan is, All the guys will say is a little bit of this and that to cheer Juliet up.

A limo picks them up at the back door of Rory and Logan's Building and takes them to a secret club in the upper eastside of new york, They enter and find slot machines, a poker table, black jack, 21 and a stage for the dancer's to dance on

They find the 2 tables that are reserved for them right in front of the stage in the middle, and they sit down, the guys make sure that Robert and Julia are easy accessible.

They wait about 5 min until the show starts and the girls start dancing, they pull Juliet up on stage to teach her their dance. Juliet is facing the curtain laughing and having a great time while she messes up the steps, while Robert Get into Position right behind her on one Knee with the ring box in his hand, The girls immediately Knew what Robert was doing, He had this all planned.

Juliet Turn's around too see Robert on one knee with a ring

She looks at him with tears in her eye's as he asks "Juliet Will you marry me?"

Juliet asks him "Are you for real or it's a joke because this isn't funny."

He reply's 'This is real, I would not joke about this. I told you I would do anything to make sure your family didnt disown you"

She say's "But I cant ask you to do this for me you dont love me"

He reply's "I do love you, and I'm happy your pregnant. I didnt think I could be happy with a wife or kid's until we found out you may have been pregnant. I have loved you for a long time but didnt know it"

She yells "Well then Yes I will marry you, I love you too and I have for a long time"

Robert and Juliet decided they are going to get married as soon as they can find someone who can officiate, They are in luck Colin knows a judge who will do it, tonight.

Colin calls the judge he knows, they arrange to meet up at Logan's and Rory's house to have the wedding on the patio.

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