Part 35

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5:45pm off to dinner with Honor, josh and the kid's

"Hi, We have a reservation for Huntzburger" Logan said

"Oh yes a table for 8, Right this way" hostess said

"Table for 8. There's 4 adults and 3 kid's, how is that 8?" Rory ask's Logan

"I don't know maybe its a mistake" Logan say's

Honor Josh and the kids arrive at the table 2 minute's later

Hello Logan, Sister. Did you have a fun night and good day today?" Honor ask's

"Yes Disney land at night is beautiful and even better when it's closed to the public?" Rory say's

"Well that's good, Finley was an absolute angel. He is so easy compared to Alexis and Aryn, Maybe because he's a boy" Honor say's

"Ya it's possible, But he's always been a good baby. He never really has cried in less he was hungry or dirty and those usually came at the same time" Logan said

"Speaking about baby's, Let me see that bump. Do you know the sex yet?" Rory asks

"It's a boy" Josh say's

"That's great" Logan say's

"Ya it is I get to buy all the cute boy things now" Honor said

Up walks Mitchum

"Hey dad" Honor said happily

"Mitchum, What are you doing here?" Logan say's with a nod

"I had a company meeting out here today, Can I join you for dinner?"

"Yes sure" Logan says

It seemed clear how a table for 7 became 8, he added himself to the reservation

"Hi Mitchum" Rory says

"Hi Rory" Mitchum says with a smile

"So Mitchum was the meeting for" Logan asked

"Oh I just wanted to come check out the paper we have here" Mitchum said

"You know I would have been more then glad to take the meeting for you since I was here already" Logan said

"I know I just thought I would let you get settled in it's your first full day of vacation" Mitchum said

'Well thank you dad, We did have a late night last night while honor watched Finley" Logan said

"Ya it was great practice having a baby boy around to prepare for this one" honor said while rubbing her bump

"You're having a boy? How wonderful I will have two of each sex of grandchild Until more comes that is" Mitchum said

This is the happiest he has ever sounded about one of honors pregnancies, He was thrilled when he found out Rory was having a boy, Maybe its because he would be the next heir and keep the Huntzburger name alive. Logan knew Mitchum loved all his grand kids but Finley was his favorite even if he tried not to show it he did.

"Speaking about my grandson hand him to grandpa" Mitchum said while holding his arms out

"Who's getting another grandson? Yes I am" Mitchum said in a baby voice to Finley

"Honor, I have something to tell you that will make you laugh" Rory said
"Ok, laugh as in It s safe to drink or laugh like I will end up crying" Honor asked

"Closer to crying I think" Rory said

"Ok go"

"Ok so Logan ordered a vat of coffee from room service and they sent a woman to bring it to us, Well Logan was just in boxer briefs. The woman never took her eye's off him, She didnt even notice me. she even stuttered and ended up tripping and almost face planted into the door, Your brother Logan Huntzburger was oblivious.. He always used to notice if he was being checked out" Rory said

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