Part 52

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34 days pass November 26th

Today is Rory and Logan's 3 year wedding anniversary, Instead of going away like they had in previous year's they decided to just take a day off and have a family day with the kid's, They went to the Yale University art gallery and the knight's of Columbus museum. Around 8pm they headed home for dinner but Logan had a surprise in stores because really it wouldnt be Logan without some sort of surprise, he loved surprising Rory. Rory walks in the house to find colin sitting on the couch .

"Hi Colin, What ya doing here" Rory asked

"I'm here to spend time with the kid's" Colin replied

"Oh, Ok" Rory said

"Ace, He's going to baby sit the kid's and I have a surprise for you" Logan said

"Oh, what kind of surprise" She said wiggling her eyebrow's

"That's later, But we are going somewhere I know you will love" Logan said

"Ok, Should I change?" Rory asked

"Only if you want too, it's a casual place" Logan said

"Ok a pretty dress then" Rory said

Once they where both ready they Jumped into their car and drove.

"Logan, Why are we at Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library" Rory asked

"We are taking a look" Logan said with a smile

"It's 9pm, they are closed" Rory said

"Yes it is 9pm but for you they are open" Logan said with a chuckle

"Logan. You didnt" Rory said

"Yes, My dad made a call for me and got them to stay open for a private viewing" Logan said

"Your dad must really love me" Rory said

"Ya, He loves the man you helped me become" Logan said

They went into the building and looked at many of Rory's favorite book's and the woman showing them around took note's on the books Rory said she wished she could get as she was instructed by Mitchum without Logan and Rory knowing. At the end of the private viewing Logan and Rory got into their car and Logan decided to go to a place from their college years, Yale, They walked around the campus and reminisced about their first meeting's and memories until Rory said she was starving and they got back in the car and drove to another place from their college years, The pub. In the pub there was a table reserved, the first table they ever sat at together, He had them prepare all the foods they had ordered that night ahead of time so they could be delivered back to back as they finished each thing.

"Logan, you remembered everything from our first time here together" Rory said

"I remember everything about us" Logan said

"You're such a romantic" Rory said

"Only for you Ace" Logan said

After dinner they went home to relieve Colin of his baby sitting duty's.

"Hey Colin, You get head home to your wife and kid's now" Rory said

"Would I be able to stay in the guest house tonight?" Colin asked

"Go ahead it's yours to use anytime it's free" Logan said

Colin headed to the guest house and called Finn right away

"Hey Mate what do I owe this pleasure too"

"Hey Finn would you happen to have a room I can stay in for a few day's?" Colin asked

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