Part 14

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6 weeks pass march 7th

Rory is 24 weeks pregnant and finally she's got a good size belly bump, She cant hide it anymore in less she wear's loose over sized sweaters.

Stephanie is 20 weeks pregnant and showing more then Rory and hasnt been able to hide the bump for 5 weeks now, She moved in with fin a month ago so he can take care of her, at his insistence of course.

Rosemary is 10 weeks pregnant and developing a bump, Colin and her are LOVING the pregnancy so far

Juliet is 9 week's pregnant, Her and Robert Bought a penthouse apartment right after they got married, They went on a week long Honey moon to the Inn Colin still owns in New Hampshire and her family thinks the baby was conceived on their wedding night. Her parent's weren't exactly happy they eloped at first but understood that it was a romantic crazy night.

Everyone meet's up at the Huntzburger Penthouse (as it's now called)

Once the 8 of them have all arrived the ladies give their men a kiss and scurry off too see Baby Huntzburgers nursery. It's almost done, they just need to pick out the furniture still, The girls all gush at how amazing the nursery look's already with that Wizard of oz mural Logan painted and he did an amazing job with the cloud's on the celling, They all agree that the room is natural so they can use it for the next baby also, Rory laugh's and say's 'Let's just get this big guy out of me first and see how the baby making goes after that"

They all start swapping pregnancy stories and sharing about how their hormones are doing to them

Rory tells them" From the second Logan knocked on my door the day of my mothers wedding my sex drive has increased more and more, I have even gone to his office for a nooner when he's able to get some time with me, He loves my body so much and it turns him on too see the baby bump, Even his sex drive has increased a bit. The girls all laugh knowing what his sex drive was like before Rory was pregnant, The girls give Rory 3 month's before she's pregnant again. Rory laughs and said maybe.

Stephanie Says Her hormones are making her crabby and snap on Finn but she Makes it up to him with her crazy sex drive, at least twice a day she finds herself craving Finn and sometimes she even goes to his work to sneak a little sexy time in. Finn has gained a few lbs of sympathy weight from eating what Stephanie craves also.

Rosemary say's Her hormones have her sex drive getting lower lately and she's worried that Colin will stray if it goes away anymore, But she admits Colin is a very attentive man, he's been rubbing her back and feet, Getting her anything she wants to eat or drink. We all assure her he loves her and he wont, he loves her clearly.

Juliet says her sex drive was crazy for the first 2 weeks when Robert was off work and then the next 3 weeks after that it died down a bit and for the last week her sex drive is back to what it was before but she craves crazy things at crazy hours and Robert get her everything she want anytime she wants it.

The guy's talk about work, their girls and swap pregnancy hormone stories

Logan start's telling the guy's "You know I'm lucky, I have this beautiful smart and amazing woman who's carrying my son, You would think she would be to tired to have sex with me But no, We have sex at least once a day if not more, She comes into my office for some, Heck we have had sex in the back of a car while we where on the way to Friday night dinner at her grandma's house and on the way back, Never mind the time we had sex in the bathroom near the sitting room at my parent's house while everyone was in the sitting room. She even has had a letter delivered too me with a address, Time and room key and has acted out many of my fantasy's all on her own"

Finn Goes on to tell them that "Stephanie has been snapping at me but right after she walk's up to me and want's to have crazy wild animal sex that last's hour's upon hour's, She's even tired to sneak in some afternoon sex while I'm working, I'm a lucky man too. I hope this doesnt stop anytime soon, But if it does I understand she's growing a human inside of her."

Colin Tell's the guys "Rosemary was crazy horny right after we found out about the baby but thankfully it's been dying down, I was getting worn out, and we know thats a hard task. I've noticed that her feet and back seem to get very sore lately so I have been rubbing them for her and getting her everything she want's because, She's carrying my baby and I will do anything for the two of them"

Robert say's "Juliet has been great, we started off our marriage basically naked and humping for the first 2 weeks, then I would wear boxer's and she would wear a little nightie and we would hump a few times a day, but now we are back at the once a day level, What can I Say I m happy my wife even want's to have sex with me after how this all started, She also has some crazy cravings but I'm more then willing to caiter to those, I did put her in the situation and she is willing to put up with the morning sickness to give me a child I didnt know I wanted till it was conceived"

The 8 of them all join each other in the Living room to start dinner and movie's

The girls ask the guys what they talked about and the guys ask the girls, they all leave out that they talked about their sex life's.

6 weeks pass April 18th

Today is the day Rory and Logan go for the 30 week check up

Everything goes smooth, Baby boy is growing good, mom is healthy

Rory and Logan go to the Dr now every 2 weeks now, They love hearing his heart beat every time they go.

Logan and Rory head home, Rory has a big baby bump now she can rest cup's and plates on it now as long as baby Huntzburger doesnt decide to kick what's resting on his home. Logan think's it's cute how Rory rests plates and drinks on her belly and he loves the way she looks pregnant.

Logan walks into the house first and Rory walks in after him and see's something on the patio, She walks out as everyone say's "surprise"

Everyone is here

Lane & zack, Paris & doyal, Lorelai & Luke, April, Gigi & Christopher, Emily, Honor & Josh, Shira & Mitchum, Stephanie & Finn, Rosemary & Colin, Juliet & Robert.

Logan wraps his arm's around Rory and kisses her neck and say's surprise Ace

Rory turns to Logan and gives him a hug and kiss, thanks him for the surprise and then say's to her mom "You, woman why did you not tell me about this? You dont keep secrets from me Your daughter"

Lorelai laugh's and swears Logan swore her to secrecy.

Many hours later, Everyone has left.

After the surprise baby shower

"We are alone now, What on earth shall we do?"

"Why dont you come in the nursery with me and sit in your chair and tell me where you want everything to go while I put everything together?"

"Ahh that sounds like a grand idea, Finally being able to finish off the nursery"

"Yes, he will be here soon and he needs a room to come home too"

"Yes but he could always stay in our room forever"

"I think maybe the first few week's he can stay in our room but not past 3 month's I wouldnt want him to see anything naughty"

"Oh I get it you dont want him too see how he was made, Does this mean you may want to make another soon after he comes?"

"It's a possibility but I will for sure enjoy practicing at least"

"Well yes the practicing was always great"

Logan Finish's the crib and Change table and places them where Rory want's them in the room.

They begin to talk about Finn and Stephanie.

'Hey has Finn said anything about how far the nursery is at their place?"

"No, but I'm sure it's got to be close to being done, she's due 4 weeks after you"

"Ya maybe we should stop in and see how it's going and you can maybe offer to help Finn if he need's any"

"Ya we can do that this weekend"

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