Part 18

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Stephanie gets checked out by dr. Morgan

Dr Morgan say's "Well Stephanie your water did rupture, But you happen to have a baby who was surrounded by 2 sack's of water, so what we are going to do now is give you some medication to stop the contractions and some anti-biotic's to make sure you dont get an infection and we are going to keep that baby in there as long as we can ok"

"Finn asks "What is the possibility of Stephanie getting and infection or the baby being born prematurely or a stillborn"

"Well they will be needing to stay here and be monitored the while time, The first sign of any infection or distress and that bay will be out via C-section, There is a 50% chance of the baby being born within 2 weeks but that is as long as the baby need to be in at the longest."

"Thank you Dr, you just cleared up any worries I had for My beautiful bride to be and our baby"

A few hours pass

everyone that came too meet baby Finley has left the hospital except Colin, Rosemary, Robert and Juliet

Everyone come's into Stephanie's hospital room too see how everything is going.

Finn tells everyone what the doctor said and assures them that her and the baby will be ok. They are all happy to hear.

Rory, Logan and baby Finley, visit Stephanie everyday that they are in the hospital, Rory even camps out in her room to keep her company while Logan and Finn are at work. Stephanie loves spending this time alone with Rory and Baby Finley and when Juliet and rosemary can come during the day the girls have a wonderful time cuddling with baby Finley, taking turns who get's to hold him next. When the guy's are off work they all meet up at the hospital knowing the girls are probably all at the hospital together.

4 day's have passed since Finley was born July 16th

Rory and Logan start packing up their thing's to take Finley home and make sure they have everything

"Logan why dont you take all the flower's balloons and gift's people have brought Finley down to the car while I get him ready to go into the car"

"Ok Ace, Just remember you cant pick him up when he is in the car seat you will hurt yourself"

"Yes Hunny I know, I wont, I wouldnt want to hurt myself and prolong any activities" She said with a giggle

Logan takes everything but the diaper bag and Rory's purse down to the car with a cart

"Ok Rory, you ready to head home with out little guy?"

"I would like to visit Finn and Stephanie and say bye to them before we go if you dont mind"

"Of course not, Anything for my wife and I wouldnt think to leave the hospital before we saw Finn and Stephanie, They are family"

Logan, Rory and little Finley head into Stephanie's room to visit for 2 hours before they have to head home to prepare Rory to feed Finley. Finley Has taken to breast feeding very fast and Rory is doing so well and getting into a feeding schedule already.

30 Minitues later at the Huntzburger penthouse

Logan pushes the stroller with Finley and his car seat attached to it off the elevator.

And say's "Welcome to your new home Finley and welcome home Wife and mother of my son"

Logan then Get's Rory all comfy on the couch and makes sure she has everything she need's too feed Finley and changed Finley before brining him over to Rory to feed,

"Thank you Logan for everything your being such a big help, But you know you dont have to change him"

"I know Ace but I am doing what I can to help you out, I would feed him too but I dont exactly have the right equipment" he say's with a smile

"I know you would if you could, But honestly its been such a great bonding experience for me and Finley as I'm sure changing his diapers and burping him for me has been for you"

Rory attaches finley to her Nipple to feed him, and Logan jokingly say's "Little man those are only yours for now, Daddy cant wait till they are his again" Rory laugh's and say's" they wont be daddy's fully again for at least 3 months, so dont go on growing up too fast because daddy is eager"

Logan makes sure Rory has everything she need's before he curls up next to her On the couch, a Large glass of water, a little snack. Logan and Rory watch a bit of TV while Finley east's, Logan looks every once and awhile out of the corner of his eye and just take's it all in that just 9 month's ago He was heartbroken and missing the love of his life and Now he is laying on the couch with the love of his life and his son and Rory has changed so much, her body housed and grew a baby for him and now she if feeding his son with the breast's Logan loves so much. It makes Logan so happy that Rory is taking to motherhood so well and she has dealt with 9 months of an ever changing body like it was nothing major, It actually turn's him on too see Rory Breastfeeding their son, But Logan will never tell Her that, she may think he's a sex craved pervert.

Rory can see Logan looking over at her while she's feeding finley, with an amazed expression on his face, She can tell he's happy that Finley and Her are doing so well. She is also happy at how attentive Logan is with her and finley and she cant wait till the doctor clear's her to have sex again, Her hormones are still driving her wild and she can tell Logan is enjoying watching her breastfeed as she can see a little bit of the bulge he is trying to hide.

Once Rory switch's Finley to her other breast she tells Logan to put hid head on her lap and she lovingly rub's his chin and jawline with her thumb and they just stare into each other's eye's wile finley finish's up. Once Rory is done feeding finley Logan burps him and put him in the bassinet that's next to the couch, Rory asks him to push the bassinet into the bedroom, He think's its because the TV may wake him, But she really has a plan on how she can show Logan how much she really appreciates him helping with the baby even if he doesnt have too.

Logan sit's next to Rory on the couch and she lays her head on his lap, after a few min she slowly moves her hand towards his pelvic region without him noticing, Once she start's to rub him a little bit he say's "Hey that's not fair to rile me up before the Dr has cleared you" Rory Sit's up and straddles him and sensually kisses him and say's "But the doctor didnt say I cant do other things" Wile she bites her lower lip and then lays back down on his lap and continues to rub him over his sweat pant's until she can feel him rock hard and he start's to breathe heavy, She then pulls the front of the elastic waistband down and pull's him out of his boxer's and wraps her hand around him and begins to rub him more as he squirms in ecstasy, Then she decides to give him a big surprise and wrap her mouth around him while bobbing her head up and down while she moan's a little bit because she is getting pleasure from him getting pleasure, Until he climax's.

Logan put's him self back into his boxer's and pulls the front of his pants back up to his waist, While he look's he look's at Rory with his big grin and says "Ace, have I said how much I love you lately, You really didnt need to do that for me, Im actually shocked really, No one had been able to make me climax by just doing that"

"Only about a dozen or so times in the past few day's" She smile's and look's so accomplished that she's done something for him no other woman has been able too.

"I just feel bad that we cant have sex, You pleasure me and I cant pleasure you back"

"Oh buy Logan, I actually climaxed myself just from pleasuring you"

"Well then I guess I dont feel so bad now"

"Good, and I only do it because you deserve it, you have taken this fatherhood and Having to share me so well"

"What can I say it's coming naturally to me, I loved coming home to you and seeing you growing our baby and now I love how well you and Finley are doing, You taking to motherhood like a natural. I was actually scared that I was going to be like Mitchum and not be a good dad but I knew the Minute I saw Finley that it wasnt possible to be so cold to my own child"

"Logan I never doubted you would be an amazing father, I knew you where anything like your father from the minute I called you from stars hollow to tell you I was pregnant and you flew to me right away and haven't left my side since"

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