You're My Favorite

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  • Dedicated to J.K. Rowling


You're My Favorite

"After all this time? Always." ~Harry Potter

We walked down to the lake, mostly in silence. It wasn't awkward silence, though. It was peaceful. We finally arrived and sat on the same bench I was sitting at earlier.

"It is beautiful here," Zach said.

"Yeah," I said. We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying it.

"Hey, you're back!" I heard. It was Jake again. "And you brought Zach!"

"Hi, Jake," I said. "Do you want a picture with Zach? I can take it for you."

"Yes!" he said, and handed me his phone. Zach stood next to him and I snapped a picture. "Can I get one with both of you?"

"Sure," I said. He took the picture and then left.

"Was that the kid from earlier?" Zach asked.

"Yeah," I said. My phone went off. I checked it, and saw that Jake had just tweeted the picture of him and Zach and the picture of all three of us. "He just tweeted those pictures."

"Oh," Zach said. We stayed at the lake for a little while more, and then decided to go back to the hotel.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" he asked.

"No, I'll just eat back in my room. You can come if you want," I said.

"Sounds great." We walked into my hotel, got into the elevator, and headed up to my room.

"There's food in the fridge if you want any," I said. "I'm not really hungry." I was worried what he would think of my room, and worried what he thought of me, and whenever my anxiety acted up, I couldn't eat.

He got something out of the fridge and sat down next to me. "So, why won't you tell me who your favorite is?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"I mean, obviously you have a favorite if you're telling the truth that you've liked us since X Factor."

"Yeah, I have a favorite," I said. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you."

"Why? I'm not going to be offended if it's not me."

"Because," I said, and he sighed. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. I got the bag of movies I had brought and handed them to him.

"You pick," I said.

"Did you really bring all 8 Harry Potter movies?" he asked, laughing.

"Hey, don't judge. I love Harry Potter," I said.

"I can tell..." he said. He picked up a movie and put it into the DVD player. It was the last Harry Potter movie. I looked at him, and he smiled. I just rolled my eyes, but I was smiling.

The movie was about 2 ½ hours long. At first, it was kind of awkward, but then we started to get into the movie, and everything was okay. By the time the credits rolled, he had his arm around me and my head was on his shoulder. I was the first one to move. I got up and took out the movie. He got up, too.

"I should get back to the hotel," he said. "I'm supposed to meet up with Andrew and Colton later for a last minute meeting before rehearsals start."

"Okay," I said, and walked him to the door. He was about to walk out the door. "And Zach?" I said. He turned around.

"You're my favorite."

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