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  • Dedicated to Sapna Patel, Danielle Fleshood, and Restless Road



"Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life." ~Zayn Malik

My alarm blared at 7 AM, but I wasn't moody today. For once, I was actually a morning person. I got up and ran into the next room, where Danielle and Sapna were.

"WAKE UP!" I called. "IT'S A NEW DAY." I heard them both grumble, but neither made any effort to get up. "I'LL BE BACK," I called, and headed up the stairs. I knocked on Colton's door, and he was already up. Andrew was, too. He was already in the shower. That just left Zach. I headed into his room to find him sound asleep. He looked so peaceful, and I felt bad for waking him up, but we had a big day ahead of us. I walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Zach," I said, rubbing his arm. "I'm sorry, but you need to wake up." He turned over, eyes half open.

"What time is it?" he asked. He had a really hot morning voice.

"About 7," I said. "We're going to Six Flags today."

"Really?" he asked, getting up.

"Yup," I said. I walked out of his room and went to go get ready. I put on a black floral tank top and matched it with orange shorts, the same color as the flowers. I put on my black TOMS and I was ready to go. I walked downstairs and saw that the three boys were already ready, and Dani and Sapna were walking upstairs.

"So, you guys ready? We're going to Six Flags today!" I asked.

"I've never been there," Danielle said.

"Neither have I," Sapna said.

"Well, now you will. Come on!" I said. We all hopped into the car. Zach offered to drive, so I sat in the passenger seat to give him directions. About an hour and a half later, we were pulling into the parking lot. I'd been here many times before, and I knew my way around. We got our tickets scanned and headed into the park.

"Okay, so I think we should split up based on who wants to go on what. That way we won't have to wait in line if we don't want to go on it," I said. "I'll basically go on anything; it doesn't really matter to me."

"I only go on some," Danielle said.

"Me, too" Colton said, and he walked over by her.

"Okay," I said. "Looks like we'll split in two groups then. We can meet up for lunch later. I'll text you two at twelve." Danielle and Colton walked away, and I turned to Zach, Sapna, and Andrew. "So, where to first?" They all shook their heads. "Okay, we're going on American Eagle. That one's my favorite." We headed over to the ride. The line wasn't that long; we did get here kind of early. We got on the ride and I sat with Zach, and Sapna sat with Andrew. We started up the hill and I turned to Zach.

"You're not going to scream, are you?" I asked.

"I make no promises," he said, and I groaned. We reached the top and raced down the first drop. The ride ended much too quickly, but I got off laughing.

"That's your favorite?" Zach asked, shocked. "That was horrible." I laughed. We went on a few more rides, including X Flight, Raging Bull, Batman, and a few others. I texted Colton to see if they wanted to meet up somewhere. It took us about 20 minutes to find them. After lunch, we decided to stay together for the rest of the day. We'd just have to find some rides that all of us would go on.

We decided to go on The Dark Knight. It was an indoor coaster, and it was in the dark, but it wasn't big at all. We finally got Danielle to come with us, and we waited in line.

I'd have to say, it was pretty hilarious, but it was mostly due to Danielle's screams every time we turned the corner.

The day went by, and soon, it was time to go home.

"That was really fun," Andrew said. "Why haven't we done this before?"

"Yeah, that was awesome!" Sapna said.

"Yeah, I'm great at making plans," I said. Zach drove us home, but we decided to stop at a pizza place for dinner.

"You know what this reminds me of?" I said to Zach.


"The first time we met." They had invited me out for dinner about 3 months ago now, and Zach and I were quickly approaching our 2 month anniversary. "And then you drove me home and I was being so awkward." He laughed.

"That's when I really started to like you. I liked your personality. I think it matches mine perfectly." I leaned in and kissed him.

"Um, I hate to break this up, but this really isn't what we want to see when we're eating," Sapna said. Zach pulled away.

"I think you're just jealous that I'm dating a member of Restless Road and you're not," I said. "I should see if Simon can set you up with Niall."

"Yeah, you should," she said. "I mean I know we're already married, but now we can be together for once."

"Is this what you guys do?" Andrew asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You pretend you're married to celebrities?"

"Oh, yeah," Danielle said. "Katie used to do that all the time with Zach. She wrote a fanfiction about it, she made us write fanfiction about it, and she even planned your wedding. I'm pretty sure it's still on her laptop."

I laughed nervously. "Yeah, haha, but that's the past and I don't do that anymore..." I glared at Danielle and she smiled cheekily.

"I want to see this "wedding"," Zach said.

"Me too," Colton said.

I sighed. "Fine. You can see it later." After that, we drove home. They wouldn't let me go anywhere until I showed them the "wedding", so I regretfully opened the document and let them laugh at my immaturities.

I have great friends.

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