Clinging To Him {One}

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Song: StopRewind by NateWantsToBattle(Nathan Sharp)

My drug addict, good for nothing parents have come out from their hiding place. Wow, well, I guess that's a good enough place to start as any.

The money they stole from my uncle most likely had run out so they were coming back to see what they could take from me. Nico told me about four days after I was admitted into the hospital for broken ribs, a gun shot wound to one of my shoulders and a broken bones in the other. I hadn't talked to my uncle, Gregory, concerning my parents because I had no interest in reuniting with them. They left my sister and I for dead in a burning building. I sure as hell didn't owe them anything. Nico had offered to search for my parents but I strongly declined his offer. I didn't want to see them again. The faces of the strangers whom would still dare to call themselves parents simply because they gave me life. One hell of a shitty one at that. I didn't want to see them because I already pictured them begging me for money so they could go out and buy their drugs. I was in no way shape or form going to help them with their addiction. Honestly speaking, I felt like they weren't even family to me. Gregory, the uncle who beat me, tortured me for days, and left me with no other option than to sell my body to return my parents debt was more of a family member than my parents ever would be.

I sighed irritably and shook my head. I didn't want to think about any of that for now. I was finally starting my first day of school. Sure, I sometimes attended home schooling with Nico but very rarely and it didn't really feel like school to me. It was more of him actually working and me goofing off. Then we would just leave before time ended and go get into trouble. That's how things used to be. Things were different now.

Nico was now the boss of the Delacroix. I officially unofficially temporarily left the Mafia to focus on schooling. I wanted to enter business school and then come back to Nico a new and refined man. Mikhail was starting his schooling to be a lawyer. Dylan was working towards being a professional photographer and Dan still had no purpose to her life, not that I really cared.

Dan is friends with Mikhail, who I don't like, and Dylan, who I tolerate. We've never really spoken and I never found myself wanting to talk to her. After Sera shot herself, Dan hadn't been the same. She just drifted through the repetitive days. I felt bad but not enough to actually do something. Call me heartless but I've just learned how to distance myself from unnecessary emotions.

Dylan and I had been slowly working on our relationship. Now, that doesn't mean he gets to call me his boyfriend or vice versa. I didn't need that kind of commitment right now. Besides, I didn't even think I was allowed to be happy with someone like Dylan. His aura was so pure and his attitude is so happy-go-lucky. Me, on the other hand, am completely dirty. I've slept with over dozens of people. My body has been contaminated. I was hard on myself about who I had the right to love and who I didn't.

I stepped towards the mirror and froze completely when I hear a bag popping and a what sounded like chips breaking. I looked down and saw a bag of wasabi onion rings crushed under my foot. "You do understand that me letting you sleep in my room does not give you a free pass to make a mess, right? I don't even eat these kinds of chips!" I said in pure frustration as I picked up the bag and threw it at Dylan who was still lounged in my bed. I probably shouldn't have because crumbs flew out everywhere. "You're cleaning that up."

I thought it would have been fine to let him sleep with me sometimes since I've been having nightmares recently. Waking up alone after a nightmare wasn't ideal. It's not like I could just go and sleep with Nico like before after all. With Mikhail making him self right at home, even going as far as to sleep in the same room as Nico even though this whole place is big enough for Mikhail to have ten private rooms if he pleased.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now