Clinging To Him {Eighteen}

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Sleep wasn't much of an option last night so instead I stayed up reading business books that Nico's father, Victor, had in the inside the library. Although Victor didn't look like it, he was actually an active reader and enjoyed books which is why he had a library installed in his home. I was never one to read actual books but seeing as I had read all the manga in my room and had nothing else I figured I'd read inside the library. I suppose based on my own personality that it didn't seem like I would ever read manga but they were a nice distraction from reality at times. That being said, I obviously didn't have any romance manga and only had adventure, fantasy, and or action types in my room. The reason I chose business instead of something that actually interested me was because I needed something that would numb my brain from all the overthinking I had done in the past few hours and figured business book wood do just that.

The whole break up thing with Luca spread like wildfire and everyone was calling me starting from Sal and ending with Sloth to ask if it was real or it was just a rough patch that we hit. Once I confirmed that we were done they each asked me, without fail, if I wanted them to go after Luca. Although I did accept their sentiment, it wasn't like Luca did anything wrong. It was me who started and ended everything out of my own selfishness. I was seriously expecting Sal to rub it in my face and brag about how he told me this would happen but instead he was surprisingly understanding and even offered to let me stay a night again to spend time with Vi. As tempting as that sounded, I really just wanted to be alone seeing as I did just realize that I had feelings for Dylan after all so I didn't really know what my next step was going to be. Well, I suppose that I could have just gone over to Dylan's place and started telling him my feelings but then it would just seem like I was jumping from one relationship to another so that I wouldn't be alone and honestly I didn't want to do that to Dylan or even hurt Luca even more. I was just going to have to take things as slowly as I could with my personal relationships seeing as I sucked at them. These feelings were new to me and I didn't exactly know how to react when even the thought of Dylan made my palms sweaty and my heartbeat race.

I got so lost in my own thoughts that I almost didn't hear the faint sound of my phone ringing right beside me. I closed the book but not before placing a bookmark in so I could get back to where I left off later and then picked up my phone. I didn't have the number saved because I only had Nico's, Dylan's, Luca's, Rachel's, and the others from school who gave me their numbers but I immediately recognized the number that was calling. I picked up and with a gentle voice. "Flora? What's up?"

"Max? Ah, is this a good time to talk?" Flora asked as if she was surprised that I even answered in the first place.

"Yeah." I said "I wasn't doing anything important."

"Oh, okay. Uhm, this is hard for me to say say so I'll just-"

"About the money?" I guessed.

"Y-yeah. You said you didn't need it and well, you know, I figured I could really use it." Flora sounded really embarrassed.

"It's seriously no problem." I reassured her.

"I just... Thank you so much, Max. This means so much to me." Fora said and it sounded like she was staring to tear up.

"I should really be thanking you."I told her. "It's a weight off my shoulders. Honest." I told her in all honesty. That money didn't do me any good and I hated that it was a constant reminder of the things that I absolutely hated doing in order to get money faster. If Flora hadn't taken my offer then I would have had to burn the money in order to feel relieved from my past.

"Do you have time later?"

"Later?" I thought about it." I checked the time on the clock that was on the wall and saw it was only five P.M. "I'm free right now if you'd like."

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now