Clinging To Him {Epilogue: Graduation}

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•I ended up adding about 3,000 words to the ending of chapter 26 so please go back and read that half if you haven't already. Sorry for the inconvenience!!

Song: Close to you - JefferzKM

"Max, wake up."


"Max..." Dylan bit my ear lobe causing me to spring up and out of my covers. He held a sheepish smile on his face as he pretended to act all innocent when I shot him a glare. "No, no." He shook his head and pulled me into his chest for a hug. "Don't look at me like that. I had to wake you up or else you'd miss your graduation practice."

"I don't care. We've been practicing for nearly a week. I just need to sit, wait, stand, walk, grab, walk, sit, wait." I stated stubbornly and pushed Dylan away playfully. I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled the covers over my entire body so the only visible part was my face. "Can't I just grab my diploma and leave?"

"You can but I'm not going to let you." Dylan said and bent down to kiss my forehead and then proceeded to move the hair out of my face. "You finally graduated, Max, this is a big deal! I'm so proud of you. I'm not even going to lie, I thought for sure you'd drop out half way through."

"There were close calls." I smirked recalling the multiple times I threatened to call it quits at school if only just to be dramatic. It's not like I was ever going to actually do it and once people caught on that I was joking they stopped paying attention to me and it lost its charm.

"Yeah, yeah." Dylan said and yanked the covers away from me.

"It's cold!" I whined and tried reaching for the covers again but Dylan threw them to the other side of the room. "Don't think I won't walk all the way over there, pick them up, and walk back here to the bed because I will."

"I know you will but I'm not going to let you. Let's go. Up." Dylan clapped his hands three times and motioned for me to stand up. You'd think that a few years of this morning routine we'd have gotten tired of it or at least have picked up an efficient method of doings things but we haven't. "I have to drop you off for rehearsals and then I have to come back and gets things ready for tonight."

"Tonight, huh?" I asked mischievously as I stood up and raised my eyebrow suggestively at Dylan to which I received a flick to my forehead. "Unnecessary." I grumbled and massaged my forehead with the palm of my hand.

Dylan rolled his eyes with a smile and said "You're the one that wanted all your things moved into my apartment by the time your graduation ended instead of some fancy dinner to celebrate so blame yourself." Dylan shrugged and pulled me towards my bathroom.

I looked around at most of my things packed into boxes and shoved in one corner of the room and felt really excited all of a sudden. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to wrap my arms around Dylan's neck "I know and I still want that done by today to make it more official." Dylan chucked against my neck as he hugged me back. "I'm just really happy, is all."

"Me too." Dylan smiled and pushed me back only slightly as he leaned in to kiss me but I put both hands on his lips to stop him.

"I haven't brushed my teeth."

"Zow?" Dylan had tried saying 'so' but it came out weird against my hands.

"It's gross." I said and removed my hand to flick his forehead as payback and smiled angelically. "Afterwards." I promised and ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. "Oh!" I poked my head out and said "Can you rummage through that box and hand me my bathrobe?"

"Sure." Dylan agreed and waved me off "I'll give it to you when you finish your shower."

"Naughty thoughts be gone." I chanted playfully as Dylan snickered at me when I closed the bathroom door. I stopped in front of the mirror and let out a small smile to my reflection.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now