Clinging To Him {Twenty-Three}

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"This is terrifying."

"You've been here before."

"It was just as terrifying last time." I reminded Dylan that last time I was coming to talk to him while he was angry and now I was going to meet his grandparents whom I've heard are strict. "I don't know if anybody's noticed but I don't get along with anybody who tries to tell me what to do or how to live."

"You'll be fine." Dylan tried to assure me but it sounded more like he was reassuring himself. He kissed my forehead as he interlocked fingers with mine but stayed standing as if he suddenly couldn't move. "They won't tell you how to live your life on the first meeting... Maybe. I guess it depends on if you're okay coming clean about our relationship to them."

"We probably should." I said taking a deep breath of my own. "That way we don't have to sneak around as if we're doing something bad." I looked towards Dylan who looked reluctant to move. He seemed to be spacing out as he stared at the front entrance of the hotel. "We can do this another time, you know." I said gently letting him know that if he was scared to come clean then there would always be a next time.

Dylan shook his head "I should do this today. I want to know the whole story of what happened because I'm sick of getting different versions and not knowing which one is true. Also, I'm not really scared about telling them about us. They've never had an opinion on who I've dated in the past."

"Did any of your past relationships ever meet them?" I asked feeling jealous.

"No. They never get this serious." He admitted which made me feel automatically better.

"Okay.... Then if you really want to do this before the sun goes down you should probably move." I said as I was yanked backwards when I tried moving forwards. "Like, today." Dylan took in a deep breath and finally moved forward when I nudged him lightly. I led him inside and stopped as we reached the lobby because I wasn't sure where they would be. "Do they live here?" I asked as I saw someone sitting at the front desk.

"Not usually. They have a room that's specifically theirs if they have to spend a night here because of work but they have their own home not too far from here." Dylan said and waved at the person painting his nails at the front desk. "You're going to get yelled at again for doing that on the job." Dylan said with a soft smile.

The guy looked up and smirked in a friendly manner "I'll get rid of the smell before they can even notice." He winked.

"Of course you will. Like last time?"

"I miscalculated what time they would be here."

"Right. So, are they in?"

"Yup. They're in the pool area talking to maintenance. I calculated correctly this time round and I'm almost done anyways." The guy said with a friendly smile as he looked up at us and noticed our fingers entangled with one another's but didn't address it. "They're in a bad mood. Shipping for the new picnic tables outside got screwed so they're currently yelling it out with Phil. Poor Phil." The guy said and clapped his hands together, but kept his fingers separated, and then kissed the side of his index fingers only to send it up to the sky.

Dylan let out a nervous chuckle. "Thanks for the warning." He waved and led me out to the pool area as the guy at the front desk waved goodbye to me when I snuck a look back.

"Who was that?" I questioned once we were out of ear shot.

"New guy my grandpa hired because apparently I've been lagging." He said with a small smile. "The internship and classes got too much for me to handle working constantly here."

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now