Clinging To Him {Twelve}

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"Are you sure it's okay to be out in public like this?"

"Sure, why shouldn't it be?"

"I thought the public still sees you as a straight guy?"

"They do which is why this won't turn into a scandal." Luca reassured me. I just didn't want to be the cause for anything bad to happen to his career. We were dating now which still made me feel weird but I had made the conscious decision to be all official with Luca. We were dating so Joshua would hopefully leave me alone, and Dylan would stay out of my business. I couldn't stand being around Dylan because he didn't listen to me and would always pry into my past. Why couldn't he just leave it where it was and move on?

It had been two days since everything went down at Stardust Entertainment and I honestly thought that I would feel better than what I did. Dylan and I both said what we needed to get off of our chests but it still didn't feel right the way everything happened. I wasn't a moron, I know I was to blame but I felt that Dylan wasn't without fault either. We butted heads too often that I couldn't see a relationship happening between the two of us the way things were going.

"Max?" Luca asked as he pinched my cheek softly. "You okay?" He asked once he got my attention.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep much lately."

"Your complexion was finally getting better but now it looks worse. You have huge bags under your eyes." Luca inspected my face carefully.

"I never realized studying for high school tests did this to kids." I lied and add a yawned and wiped my eyes of a small sleep tear that ran down my cheek. I wasn't planning on telling Luca about my nightmares and risk seeming like a wimp in front of him and also I didn't want Luca to slip up and tell Joshua because then I would have to deal with that coming at me. For now, I would have to find another way to handle my nightmares in an effective way so that I could still focus on things concerning Rachel and my parents.

Luca clicked his tongue, "I already offered my place to you so I can help but you won't accept it. Even though I don't look it, I have good grades and have really good notes I could let you borrow."

"Duh. We just barely started going out and you already want to take me into your bedroom? I'm not stupid enough to just blindly say yes." I said as I still had my suspicions that Luca just wanted to have sex again like that day at Dylan's hotel run by his grandparents.

"I'm really just looking out for you." Luca pouted much like a child would. "I live with my mom most of the time anyways but I'd rather take you to my dad's place since he's usually busy and not-"

"Divorce?" I asked interrupting Luca since I was done with him trying to convince me to go to his bedroom. 

"Ah, yeah." Luca nodded. We were walking towards the park so once we reached it I grabbed Luca's hand and ran over to the swings. We sat down each in one but didn't really swing. "Mom wasn't in love with my dad but he was in love with her." Luca paused awkwardly but I let it slide. "My mom wanted out but wasn't allowed to divorce until they had a baby boy and lived together for at least five years so no one would talk behind their backs about a failed marriage. The first two attempts at having a boy were girls, I was finally the third."

"Your grandpa's terms? That an old fashioned way of thinking."

Luca nodded, "He wanted mom to have a boy who could run his business or whatever. After he died and left everything in my name I gave it to my mom since it was never something I wanted to pursue."

"You chose to be in the spotlight instead." It wasn't a question but more of a statement.

"Yeah." Luca confirmed and then shrugged as he looked over at me with a lopsided grin, "acting is in my blood."

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now