Clinging To Him {Five}

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"-and then I went to Japan and Paris all on the same week. It was a tight scheduled trip but it was so much fun. It was for work of course but I managed to sneak some sight-seeing while I was there." Luca had been going on and on about the places he's been thanks to his work. It wasn't exactly boring but at this point is just sounded like he was bragging about it and that was a little irritating. I tried not to let my annoyance show since I was the one that asked about his jobs. Dylan on the other hand made no attempt to hide how bored he was. Dylan got a call from his boss saying that work had gotten slower and he was free to go home. That meant that Dylan was going to stick around like a fly. Luca wasn't too thrilled about that but did his best to ignore Dylan.

"Hmmm." I hummed softly not really knowing what else to say. I took about three bites of my churro that Luca had bought for me after I finished my ice cream and then handed it the churro to Luca. I say finished the ice cream but I only ate about half and then let Dylan take the rest seeing as he didn't get his own and I wasn't going to finish it.

Luca smiled, "You should go with me one day. It'd be fun to have someone else there with me instead of just my uptight manager."

"I'll think about it." I said as I was slightly tempted. I had never gone with Nico when he had to attend things like meetings or business related stuff with his father to another country. Traveling always seemed really fun but traveling with Victor, Nico's father, did not. That man sucked the literal fun out of everything. I always got yelled at for everything and would have to act 'proper' around Victor, which we all knew was near impossible for me, so I just stayed home.

"Oh? I'd love to go." Dylan said inviting himself along.

"Just the two of us." Luca stressed as he pointed at himself and then at me. "I don't think there's enough space for you."

Dylan whistled mockingly, "Rich boy can't afford a private plane big enough for three people? That's a damn shame."

"I have a private plane big enough for fifty people to accompany me but I just don't want you to go with us. The invitation was only for Max."

"Max and I are a package deal." Dylan said with a cocky smile.

"Since when?" I asked, glaring at Dylan.

Were we? I highly doubted it. I could go places without him. Okay, so, maybe lately we did stick together. I would go to his place to stay the night or he would come to mine. I had convinced myself that was only because I had nightmares and I didn't have them when someone slept beside me and if by some miracle I did then having someone there would remind myself that I wasn't alone anymore. It was convenient to have him around.

"Since everything went down and you started needing me." Dylan said looking proud of himself.

Luca looked at both of us questionably, "You're sure you two aren't dating?"

"We're not." I confirmed quickly before Dylan insisted that we were. He knew how much I hated being tied down to one person. I promised Nico and Dylan that I wouldn't sell my body anymore but that didn't mean that I suddenly needed to be thrusted into a relationship. There were things about myself that I wanted to fix before I got to that point in my life.

Dylan sighed, "We're not." He agreed, "but that doesn't mean he's free game. We have an actual past together that you can't compare to."

"That doesn't matter." Luca said with a shrug, "Those kinds of feelings happened in the past. This is the present. I can help Max forget and help him move into the future."

"You'd be making him run away from his past." Dylan said glaring at Luca.

"and you'd be forcing him to relive his torture."

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now