Clinging To Him {Two}

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And here I thought my troubles would end in the morning.

"Rumor has it you worked at a red light district." A girl obnoxiously chewing gum beside me said. She had introduced herself to me as Lydia. She had bright purple hair and dark brown eyes. She looked Asian, I didn't care enough to ask further and, besides, I thought that that question was one she heard a lot.

It was a physical education class but since no one had brought any gym clothes for the first day, the teacher let the kids just hang out and do whatever they wanted to inside the gym. Some kids were playing basketball or volleyball and others were just sitting around, like I was. Apparently I had a note written on my forward that read 'come talk to me.' because two talkative students did just that although I really just wanted to be alone.

A guy with hazel brown hair elbowed Lydia, "Don't ask directly like that!"

"How come? We were all curious, weren't we?" Lydia asked with a frown towards the Hazel brown haired guy. "Kas, buddy. We were beating around the bush anyways. I just want a clear answer from the source himself."

I sighed softly, "How far has the rumor spread?"

"Eh, not that far." Lydia shrugged nonchalantly. "and by that I mean that most of the seniors and juniors know. It might take until the end of the day maximum for the rest of the students to know. About tomorrow for all the young teachers to catch wind of it and give or take three days for all the staff to find out. You'll be lucky if it doesn't spread to the principal sometime by the end of this week, right Kasper?" Lydia asked her friend with a smile. She seemed to be enjoying this.

"Everyone likes gossip." Kasper shrugged softly. "Don't worry about it too much!" He was trying to console me though it did nothing of that sort. "It'll die down once kids get bored of it."

I rolled my eyes, "Is this school like homophobic or something so much so that a group of high school boys have to buy sex secretly?" I wanted to bash my head on the floor as soon as the words slipped before I could stop them. I meant to say that in my head but I ended up asking out loud.

Lydia looked at me with her eyebrows raised, "Can I take that as a confirmation then? Oh!" She added quickly, "This will stay between us. I swear. It's your right to do whatever you want with your body after all."

"I slept around for money but I didn't work at a red light district." I told Lydia though I might as well have however I was quick to dismiss that choice when it popped up.

Kasper looked a little shocked but quickly wiped the look off his face. He then shook his head, "No, this school isn't homophobic." He rose his hand in the air and said, "I have a boyfriend, I should know." Kasper put his hand down and tried to hide the blush in his cheeks that had crept up, he continued, "It's pretty open actually. Of course, like any school, we still have bullies who discriminate against those in the lgbt community. Rare, but they do pop up every so often."

"Are you getting bullied?" Lydia asked, concerned.

"No.." I stopped and thought about it. I was getting bullied in a way right? I got pushed around and name called by Joshua and his friends. Most people would classify that as a form of bullying, "Yes?" I asked unsure. I didn't classify it that way, though. Maybe because I had been through worse that whatever Joshua did seemed like just child's play. "Nah." I then stated with a shrug. "I definitely made an enemy on my first day here though. So, there's that."

"With who?" Kasper asked looking concerned as if we had been friends that went way back even though this was our first meeting.

"Some guy named Joshua." I replied.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now