Clinging To Him {Thirteen}

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"Do you know where I can find Tas?" I tried to be on my best behavior.

"Don't know anyone by that name. Scram, kid. Isn't it past your bedtime?" The bartender said and I took a deep breath to calm myself and walked out of the bar. He probably didn't know and even if he did I wouldn't be able to get it out of him.

There was no use getting into a brawl when I couldn't really defend myself at the moment and I didn't want to attract negative attention. I had tried to look for Tas at the old hideout but when I got there the building had been demolished and replaced by some other building. Knowing Tas, he would still be apart of the group because he saw them like his family and wouldn't just abandon them. So I suspected that they all relocated but the problem was that if Tas didn't want to be found then I never would find him.

I hadn't met up or seen Tas since he told me to leave the gang. I never needed him for anything nor did he try to find me either. We weren't in bad terms with one another but that's just the friendship we have. Tas and I are very alike in the sense that we only focus on what's important, Tas more so than me seeing as I have actually sought out a few people from these parts in the last year. However, I understand Tas' mentality of keeping distance from people. When I was in his gang the only person he'd really surround himself fully was some guy who's come around at least once every month.

Looking around anybody could tell I was on the 'bad' side of town where the red light district was. I needed to find Tas so I started walking down the lonely sidewalk as most people there were walking on the street because cars wouldn't drive in this part of town. If you left your car for even a second unattended then it would be stolen or you'd be missing necessary car parts to get the car moving.

The next place I was going to have to go to was a friend that Tas introduced me to after I was kicked out. She around twenty-five at the time when we met but she said if I ever needed anything that I should visit her after I was forced to leave as well and I did come back a couple of times in the past. I walked into a brothel called Moonlight and walked over to the desk attendant who I didn't recognize, which I found odd seeing as I knew almost everyone who worked there. "Is Dona in?" I asked. "If she's with someone then I can wait."

The girl looked me up and down and gave me a look like I was some kind of dirty mutt, "Madam Donatella? What business could she possibly have with you? You're a bit under her age range, kid."

I was really getting irritated at having people around these parts refer to me as kid because it sounded so condescending when it came from them. "Just tell her Max Torres is here." I said leaving out Delacroix since Dona knew me from before I joined The Delacroix and it's easier for her to remember me by. Also, being affiliated with the Mafia wouldn't be received all too well by people in these parts so it was safer to just go by my father's surname instead since Torres was a common enough name to not be traced immediately to Gregory.

"Listen here, Max. Madam Donatella isn't someone just anybody can spend their money on. Leave before I have to call security to escort you out." She tried to threaten me by picking up the phone that was on the desk.

I leaned my elbows on the table and sighed loudly, "Come on. Just call her and you'll see that she knows me. I just have a quick question to ask her. I'm not here to sleep with her." I tried reasoning with her but the lady wasn't having any of it. I looked at the name tag pinned on her shirt and it read Tiffany.

Tiffany put the phone to her ear "Yeah, I'm going to need security to-" she started but someone held her wrist to stop her.

I looked to the side and smiled immediately to see familiar strong presence "Flora." I brightened up with recognition. Flora was around eighteen when we first met and still to this day was someone who I could look up to like an older sister even if we hadn't met up in months, almost a year.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now