Clinging To Him {Twenty-Six}

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My head was spinning incredibly fast, so much so that I refused to open my eyes because I knew that the moment I did I'd get a horrible headache. Where was I? What happened? I wasn't at Nico's or Dylan's because I was on the ground waking up from being unconscious. Knowing that I needed answers I stirred up from the ground with my eyes still closed and tried to remember what happened before I passed out. I was at Nico's when Mikhail helped me pick out my outfit for my date with Dylan and then I went out on said date. We spent a while at the aquarium and I couldn't help but smile at the recollection of how beautiful it was there and the words that we exchanged. Then we left and it was in the parking lot when-

"You're okay!"

I frowned deeply at the recognizable voice screaming which caused my head to thump in pain "Rachel!?" My eyes flew open and I ignored the pain to look at Rachel with a confused face while she looked relieved. "Why?"

"I'm so glad you're okay!" She said and hugged me but was careful not to squeeze too tightly.

"You got taken here as well? How are you? Are you hurt anywhere?" I asked inspecting Rachel carefully and she held a small smile on her face.

"No, no, I'm okay. Uncle wasn't as lucky." She pointed over at the far left and I followed with my eyes to see Gregory looking just as bad as I felt. His leg had been shot so he was bleeding out on the floor but yet he tried to keep his calm demeanor "He got shot for stepping in back at our house when the place was raided by guys with guns." Rachel said eyes filled with worry.

Looks like they finally made a move. I thought to myself and looked around at the room for a possible escape. It was a mid sized room that actually did look like we were in a house, maybe a basement? Fuck, I really needed to stop getting kidnapped because this was getting ridiculous. I was going to make a snide remark towards Gregory if only just to make myself feel better but a thought interrupted that completely. I looked around frantically and felt relieved when I didn't see Dylan inside the room. I would have felt even more guilty if Dylan had been trapped in here with us. However, I wondered if he was still unconscious in the parking lot or if someone had found him and called the ambulance. Did Nico even know that I had been kidnapped or was he having a nice dinner with Mikhail completely free of worries?

Gregory broke me out of thoughts with his irritating calm voice, which I knew was for the sake of Rachel but it still bothered me. "I'm okay, love. It's just a small flesh wound. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the bullet out myself so I guess I'll have to hold out for when help comes."

"Why are you even here? Rachel and I, I understand, but you?" I asked with with a dirty look.

Gregory shrugged slightly and leaned his head back on the wall. "I found out a second too late what gang your parents were affiliated with and they stormed into my house ready to cause damage. I wasn't going down without a fight, although I was completely unarmed, and certainly not with Rachel in the house. Your parents were smart enough to bring me here because they knew I'd do more damage out there than here with you two."

"Smart or to spite me?" I asked and tried to stand up but every muscle in my body was screaming at me.

Gregory ignored my comment and said "Don't move too rashly. You were injected with some strong stuff. You're lucky that you're still alive and breathing, any longer and you would have probably fell into a coma."

"Damn." I said and instead of staying still like Gregory had advised I moved to a more comfortable sitting position against the wall and told Rachel. "Sorry you had to get dragged into this." I said and hugged her tightly against my chest. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now