Clinging To Him {Six}

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"I can stare at his body forever."

"I want to put whip cream all over his abs."

"Add some caramel and I'm in."

"He's a teacher, guys." Kasper said ruining our fun. "Lydia, you're way more into girls than guys."

"I can still tango with the male anatomy though. He must have like a crazy workout regimen. Look at those arms." Lydia said as she picked up the volley ball that rolled towards us from the ground and tossed it back to the court.

Kasper shook his head in clear disagreement, "This is not the point of P.E. class."

"Really? I think it is." I said as I leaned my back against the wall and crossed my arms over my chest as I was basically drooling over Mr. Klein. Knowing he was possibly either gay or bisexual was quite tempting. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my hopes up. Though, he didn't look like the type to go after a minor. Shame, but I'd be content with just appreciating him from afar.

"Yeah, honestly, Kas. You can not tell me that he wore that really tight white shirt thinking he wouldn't get the kids' attention. He wore it purposely to show off his nips."

I chuckled lightly and Kasper shook his head again had with a disapproving look on his face. "It's a workout shirt! He joins in on the games sometimes! It's not like he dressed himself this morning thinking about how to get minors to stare at his body! Coach isn't like that!"

"Kasper, sorry to ruin your perfect image on Mr. Klein but I'm pretty sure he wore that white shirt knowing he would be sweating in it. I've got a clear view of the entire top half of his body and I'm not complaining."

Kasper sighed, "I give up. You two are stubborn."

"So I've been told." I shrugged. I tore my eyes away from Klein who was serving the volleyball over the net and looked at Luca who received the ball flawlessly. I didn't know anything about volleyball besides the basics but Luca seemed to know what he was doing. He wore a simple grey shirt and ugly green shorts. I was actually surprised to see how toned his body actually was. I thought that since he mentioned he was an actor and a model that he would have been a lot skinnier but he was doing a pretty good job of maintaining his body shape.

Luca and I mostly kept our conversations short at school since I explained that I didn't want to be seen by Joshua. I had done a pretty good job of avoiding him thus far and was hoping it would stay that way. It wasn't like I was scared of him. I could definitely beat him to a pulp but I was forbidden from getting into trouble. Also, I considered the matter with Joshua to be my own concern so I didn't want to involve Nico or Dylan. My mouth got me an enemy so I would have to work it out myself.

It had been about two and a half weeks from the day Luca and I, and then eventually Dylan, went out for ice cream. Luca and I text sometimes but never about anything specific, it was nice. He wasn't always prying into my past and kept it where it belonged. I tried not to bring up Joshua since Luca obviously looked uncomfortable or like he'd rather talk about ways a dog can shit. Even though I wanted more information about Joshua I would have to get it from someone else.

Dylan had been worried about me because I had suddenly started crying in front of him but I managed to calm myself down by the time we got to his apartment. He asked me multiple times what was wrong until I finally gave in. I told him I finally saw my sister after years of not seeing her in person. It was good to tell someone instead of holding it in, I know, but it felt strange to do so. I wasn't used to telling people my business and knew it was going to take a while for me to get accustomed to do so. I could tell by the look on his face that Dylan wanted to know more but I kept the details of my sister vague.

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